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Okay dudes that watched bleach just wanna correct myself. Apparently the bleach manga was rushed towards the end due to kubo’s health, so me saying in the LR that “could this be a bad thing that the anime is taking a new direction” i take it back. Apparently there’s plenty of stuff Kubo wanted to add in the bleach manga but because of health reasons he couldn’t, and that’s totally justified.

So fam this bleach arc we are watching now feels like the true final of Bleach, now tell me that doesn’t f***ing give u goosebumps. Kubo is literally involved on the project.

John thanks for the message.



John was Kubo all along


Yeah kubo is actually involve in this anime and lots were added and remove


Thats crazy yo


Exactly!!! we are dealing with a totally different beast here compared to the rushed manga..... i cant wait to see this story unfold man....FUCKKK BRING ON NEXT WEEK THE TRUE GOAT OF GOATS!


I literally just finished today re-reading the TYBW arc, and yes there are certainly things that Kubo added for the anime and it's for the best.


One piece anime pacing this season

John Yoo

Kubo is heavily involved in the anime which is a super good sign. Both anime and manga viewers are FEASTING. PRAISE DADDY KUBO YO! Also, ICHI MOTHER FUCKIN GOAT YO!


Good man John keeping Khan in check. Was about to leave a comment explaining exactly this. ICHI MOTHER FUCKING GOAT MY GUY! TYBW setting the example. Kubo truly is the PIONEER of shounen anime

John Yoo

Damn right Angry! Kubo, the face of shonen manga. The pioneer of shonen that inspired millions of others to follow in his footsteps. THE DADDY OF ALL DADS! TITE MOTHER FUCKING KUBO!


Preach it John! Certain Looney Tune enjoyers would never understand. Could never be me... 🤡


Nah i just genuinely ask PIONEER of what? Face of shonen you mean Akira Toriyama perhaps?

John Yoo

Face of shonen is kubo. i don't make the rules, sorry fam


Also, it's not that different from the manga to be honest. There's just additional scenes added. More shine for characters that didn't get it earlier, and more character moments for characters we already love.


Yeah we were all pretty sad reading the manga, because you could really see where he had to cut it short and rush. Hopefully, he gave all of his plans to the animation team and work together to put it together


any minute now


today BC triple 👆

Rayhan Ali

Can someone tell Khan about the Minato Manga idk if he would be interested in that sounds cool tho

Arif Sanji

I need Boku no Heeeeero man!

Marcel Müller

Miss me with that hero the full summary for the op chapter is out I am fully erect

Kota Kikuchi

Will he react to Minato Gaiden?