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L.A 01

back on dat clovahhhh


Yohoo thanks :)

Marcel Müller

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Black Clover. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of battle shounen philosophy most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Asta's liberalist outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Chikamatsu Monzaemon literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the series, to realise they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Black Clover truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Asta's existential catchphrase “MADA MADA!,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Murasaki Shikibu's The Tale of Genji. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Yūki Tabata's genius unfolds itself. What fools.. how I pity them.


Black clover has as much depth as a single piece of paper with Naruto ideas brainstormed all over it. The captains are fodder compared to the already fodder captains from Bleach. The rival concept is utterly cliche coming straight from the philosophy of mid. If you look into anything you can derive meaning from it lil bro but even if I gave you that one the way it converts the meaning is through a mid machine it doesn’t manage to portray it gracefully (unlike One Piece i can send you the link for the episodes if you want it lil bro). A good ani/manga isn’t one that needs Shakespearean level analysis for it to be seen as good, but One (Piece) that can apply to the masses and connect with people of all different intellects and backgrounds in life. The only thing black clover wins over is the urge for me to rewatch Naruto and decide to watch something just a tad bit different instead. (No offence)


The best treat after a work day 🔥


Man wrote an essay on why he doesn't like Black Clover saying it has no depth but watches My Hero Academia lol. Ok. Now that Khan stopped reading comments the children sure are acting up....


bro stop being so serious and down all the time they r jokin around in the comment section don't throw ur gloom cos they wanna enjoy themselves.


No black clover is actually simple and straight forward to enjoy for those who are intellectually insufficient and it also provides enjoyment for those of the more smarter groups as it tends to bring values quotes and ideologies from a wide variety of sources. As well as a decent amount of foreshadowing and linking plot lines thoughout the arcs, it is done very well and the humour, although it can be repetitive(Marie nosebleeds) , or annoying (asta screams) it brings a sense of familiarity and companionship which further strengthens the bonds and connection you feel for the charachters.


Yea I'm the one whos serious when my comment is short as fck and yall writing essays. Carry on


i been scratching my neck for some clover LETS GOO


ANUKO lets be real buddy, you're a bc fan ;) the way you're always under bc posts is telling me that you're a fan waiting and refreshing patreon every clovah-Day! We welcome you with open arms bro.. join all these other chads watching this peak!!! YESSIR! 🤩


Do you disagree with Marcel who said it’s only for intellectuals? Bc fans can’t even agree on why it’s good themselves 🫵👎


before watching this video here's a few points im seeing that Khan didnt realise that make me think that Yuno is the son. First of all it was emphasised that The mother had a natural affinity to wind magic, Yuno is a wind mage. Second of all Yuno and Licht have the Same eyes. Third of all, this is a huge one, Yuno is normal because he was the original elf anyway he didnt need to be reincarnated because he didn't die in the first place he was just left by the church but this reincarnation is his elf power awakening. But points that make Asta likely khan is already aware of these and its ofc the fact he is lookin like the guy that will bridge the relationship between humans and elves and restores that shit. Also he uses the same weapons passed down to him from licht to Asta

L.A 01

if only this guy knew that Khan likes clover more than hero XD


I’m caught up but it’s as far back on my list lol


🤣🤣🤣🤣👎👎👎👎 says who?!?!


If you guys dont like it just dont watch it, but stop talking shit man. It is not necessary. Have a nice day


54:10 i can speak for everyone we don’t mind another double for clover👀


lualua is the biggest clown in patreon history


anuko be grateful hes not watching fairy shit and slime


man 10 more episodes, I am so hyped!


what is the spoiler khan is talking about? I have finished the series so pls tell me


he just knows the movie takes place after this arc


no but i have adhd and homophobia


cold vocals but she's a little bitch


quick reminder this guy caused ww3 on patreon


Black clover fan that works out?!?! I’m more likely to make it to Raftel


where is the fairytail hater guy i miss his mental breakdowns


yea ur right cowfriend its the time skip, are you a bitch ass vegan by any chance?


well you be cant friends with something u eat, choose one.