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Can’t say this enough guys. Under my hero, keep all comments related to my hero, under clover keep comments all related to clover, please do that with all the animes/manga i do. Also only because i ask a question in a LR and if you guys happen to know the answer to it, please do not say it.



Me having to know the surname figarland was important at this current stage hence why i told a mod to tell me after he said “you sure you wanna know”

But me knowing how roger found shanks is NOT A MUST FOR WHERE THE ONE PIECE STORY IS NOW. I could of found that out later when i do eventually watch movie red. Or if i havent and the next chapter points towards that and i need to know, once again a mod will tell me.

Once i see movie red then talk bout it all you want under the LR, but till then please just hush about that movie man.

And once again keep the comments relevant to the specific anime its under. I dont care if i have not done one piece for weeks let’s just say, still do not mention one piece related stuff under other animes.


Pedro A.

It's incredible how people can be so ridiculous as to not respect a simple request. What's the need to want to ruin something for someone just because you're an idiot who can't keep quiet, the need to show off, it’s unbelievable! And there are still people who say, "Khan, don't read the comments until you watch 'bla bla'." Just shut up and don't give spoilers or respect the rules, then he can read all the comments, bunch of idiots!


At this point i'd honestly be absolutely merciless and ban all people who spoil or who do not follow those things and keep commenting about OP underneath other videos.




Khan THERE ARENT GONNA LISTEN! How many times have you said the same thing. This community is filled with retards


react to the movie


Been complaining about it for weeks, but people just respond "WE'RE JUST EXCITED!". So annoying.


Thats what I was saying. Straight up saw 2 guys say it out of the blue. I mean, the lack of self awareness is crazy


I'm sorry Khan I really fucked up I won't do it again


Idk a bit extreme to be honest. It’s probably either 13 year olds who didn’t think before they type or people who recently joined and think khan knows something he doesn’t.


2 mods have little girls in their profile pic help


agreed. Once more this happens and just ban them, they are ruining fun for us normal people who just enjoy reactions too. I also enjoy reading comment section here, but its half toxic and spoily content and often its very cringy.


My man really scraping the bottom of the insults barrel with this one.


Patreon doesn't have a modding system. Only Khan can ban people/delete messages, but since he can barely get enough time for reactions, I doubt he'd want to start a side-job as internet janitor here. And even if he wanted to, he probably couldn't because he'd get spoiled from reading all the comments and trying to moderate. If only Patreon added modding, it's such a shit platform for community interactions.


can we get much higher? 🙏 so high oh oh


ICL i must say, that is a interesting choice of selection for them especially with those facial expressions


Personally think Runya should be banned the guy is so stupid, clueless and lacks any awareness he still doesnt understand or admit that what he done was wrong, he reminds me of that one mod Mokhie. Someone like StarPlatinum he acknowledges his mistake, and realises he is wrong. He deserves to be spared


grown ass men very obsessed with child looking anime girls is extremely weird, I don't know about khan but i wouldn't surround myself with these people.


I agree, a person's attempt at an apology will tell you everything you need to know. If they purposefully dodge any accountability, try to become the victim or even try to shift the spotlight to someone else, you can tell that there is no remorse or understanding for what they did wrong and they are likely to do it again. I'm all for second chances but an apology is a start to making amends not the entire process and if that apology or reflection is dogshit, it's evident they don't intend to truly make amends.


@Ray ok let's ban me for a deleted comment without spoilers, which khan didn't even see, mod told him, i will be banned for by myself deleted notify of the release of the next One Piece chapter in the wrong place (which I have long recognized as a mistake) cuz you still whine about this and offer to ban me, well, ban me, you’re like a flock of jackals that raises mini-importance for yourself by insulting people in the comments (I know this because I've seen it many times in social media, because I have a community not for 1500 people, but for 50000+), I’ve already seen here how you are guys communicate here many times (I think it's because khan didn't read the comments for a long time before because of the spoilers and you started to think that that communication it's normal), on random people who could be mistaken to write in the wrong place about the wrong anime, attacked them with insults as if they are YOUR patrons and not Khan, as if you have ANY RIGHT to insult anyone for this, you can warn 1 time, but attack by a crowd with a drooling from your mouth and insults, you think it's right? them money goes to the Khan, not to you, you are potentially depriving him of some of the profits from patrons with these toxic comments, have you thought about it before? such a toxic crowd guys with zero importance sits idle and scribbles into the keys, deciding who should be spared and who should be banned in not your paid Patreon community, funny how you think you're the judge here


Dude what? StarPlatinum was arguing that it is not a spoiler since there is databook, he only admited mistake after khan post

The Anime Guy

you know what's sad runya you could've just said sorry and admit what you did was wrong and you wouldn't have dug yourself in this deep the reason anyone is saying things to you now isn't because of what you did but the way you're acting as if you did nothing wrong and take no responsibility whatsoever for your actions


@The Anime Guy who are you to tells me to apologize? Do you think I owe you an apology? if you are talking about Khan, I already apologized in the comments above, now I'm waiting for the moderator to apologize for insulting me

Pedro A.

Hahahah calm down, it’s only 5 bucks, he will not be broke without you hahaha You could “Shut up, apologize, and move on” but no, you keep trying to justify something wrong, it's incredible how deluded you are. Just because of your attitude of not acknowledging the mess you've made, I would ban you. Go watch on YouTube. Here is for Khan to interact and do what he enjoys. It's not for people like you who want to prevent him from reading the comments because you can’t control yourself. "Shanks surname" is a damn spoiler. I found out about it by watching Khan's reaction, because I haven't watched the movie either.


Aren't you tired of discussing my deleted comment for a whole post? I have already answered everything above and apologized to Khan, but I am not going to apologize to you are guys, a crowd of hyenas, who were not taught to communicate as children, you're blind? I didn't mean about my patreon subscription, why do you create endless branches of comments dedicated to me?


GUYS please keep the character limit at 100-300 max. i don't have that much time to read all of this and i have bad fomo. THANK YOU


Read the comment all these replies are for. You are in the clear bro you have apologised and realised ur mistake idk why the other dumb yutes r still tryna get u banned but we just held a reverie under this post and have as a collective agreed Platinumstar needs to get executed yo. Khan needs to bring out tht Ban hammer on his ass


wait i thought having a girl pfp means they're a girl irl , no???


I’d say if khan wants he could watch the film over the break if he had time and needed to fill that one piece need that or watch some episodes he’s been building up. But if he wants to wait that’s his choice and should be allowed to think for a day or too after a chapter to come up with his own theory’s that would be fun to see also why I watch after the reaction to see his thoughts re reading parts.


Man these shorts ruined my attention span, can't even read all this. I feel left out :(


Khan doesn't deserve all this shit man, let the man enjoy one piece.


I will not comment about Runya but I wanted to thank you for the part about me - it was one of my all time NPC moments 😅 but I promise Khan & everyone it won't happen again


@ronri seriously? Nah these dudes have straight balls


So we get nothing today :(


I've never seen Film Red. Are you saying that Figarland guy is in the movie?


is khan waiting for gear 5 in the anime first before he watches film red?


no, just the five elders mentioned the family name for 2 seconds, i watched the movie twice and i was clueless about it this chapter lol