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No f*ing way I missed one piece release, lets go


Law: "Go back bepo" Khan: SO U CAN DIE FOR SURE THIS TIME?! ohhh.......


Khan is so happy that there are not one piece break at end of chapter XDDD I wish to see khan reaction when there is no new chapter next week xD


57:10 cuz it's final saga, don't blame anime/studio Toei, you're just took wrong time to start the manga right before whole yonko saga ended (Arcs from Punk Hazard to Wano) sky split, Law and Kid awakening, Sanji and Zoro power ups, Gear 5, the defeat of the Queen, King, Big Mom and Kaido and before the start of the final saga, new admiral, Lucci, Vegapunk, Seraphims, Shanks, Blackbeard, goverment, Imu sama, one piece etc. it's not anime problem, every episode of anime = 1 chapter of manga, 24 mins minus op and recap it's around 18-20, but you read the manga in ~1 hour so the story in anime moves even faster, so don't blame anime it's all cuz of One Piece goes to his final state, ends soon I just don't like how you talk about anime after watching 1000+ episodes of One Piece and only recently started reading manga, like it's One Piece anime, Toei studio ruined your experience Also look how Red Roc (chapter 1000) looks in the manga and how it looks in the anime, same maybe will be with Gear 5 and Shanks Divine Departure moments, also you missed insane 1049, 1051 episodes you just stopped reactions to the anime right before...


honestly good thing he stopped right before that ep otherwise manga would've never happened


we saw aokiji lost his leg in film z


khan probably blackbeard can have 3 devil fruits, because of his flags. Thats what we are thinking and that immortal think is about law's devil fruit which doflamingo said in dressrosa


3 skulls, 3 beards, 3 pistols also don't forget that he never sleeps

Brother E

An episode of the anime does not always equal a chapter. It’s usually about 70% of a chapter, but Toei is also doing additional scenes to fill in the gaps of the events. The anime and manga both have their pros and cons, it’s just on a weekly experience the manga is much easier to digest than the anime. And don’t get me wrong the Wano arc in the anime has been phenomenal even more than the manga. It’s just the waiting is very hard especially when you can possibly get spoiled, it ruins the experience. Even Khan said if he can watch the anime without ever getting spoiled he would had continue it. Both are good and different experiences.


@Brother E, don’t tell me the obvious, I’m talking about the words that Uzumaki Khan said in the timecode (57:10), he can’t objectively assess the difference between manga and anime, when he started reading manga at the best times of One Piece and now he starts saying that the manga much better than anime cuz don't have these "banger" moments every episode, while he watched more than 1000 episodes and just started the manga a few months ago, it's not because he switched to manga it's because of story, like Oda says "it’s fine if readers “start reading from this point on (chapter 1054),” since from this point forward, it will be “(the) ONE PIECE,” meaning real One Piece story/Final saga, also he said it's will be “super interesting” and tells readers to fasten their seatbelts, asking them to stick with him a little longe, so it's just best/worst timing to switch anime to manga, not manga pros or anime cons


Kid and Law defeated Yonko Big Mom also Luffy, Zoro and Yamato defeated Yonko Kaido, but Shanks and Blackbeard not belongs to the Yonko saga, they are from Final, Pirate King saga, i think this chapters shows the difference in the strength between Yonkos and Pirate King, especially Shanks when he one tapped both Kid and Killer, btw BB defeated yonko WB before timeskip, we don't know what BB do in the fight with Trafargar Law, they are both Pirate King lvl imo

Brother E

@Runya Honestly the story has been a banger since the Onigashima raid began. Like you can't tell me all the episodes with meeting Yamato, getting to the roof, the roof piece battle, the SH individual battles, etc you cannot say all of that hasn't been banger as well? There's so much good content within the story for quite some time. And honestly not every chapter has been just hype, there were some slower chapters in the beginning of Egghead. It would be the same feeling if watching anime, there's just so much happening in the story now. Also Khan assessing the difference is understandable because this is his first time reading the manga, it is a new experience with not being spoiled about anything upcoming, so of course he's gonna to have a bit of favoritism. Has not much to do with where he picked up the manga because anime has been on a roll for a while as well. Both are good


"Can anyone tell me what's missing?" Oh noooooooooo! But there IS a break 😭


1049 wasn't anything special. 1051 though, I'm hoping he comes back just for that


@Khan: -You seen Kuzans leg missing in Film Z at the bath house -BB mentioning Immortality; Doflamingo mentioned how Law's DF has a secret technique which would gift someone eternal youth/immortality in exchange of the DFs users life. -the man marked by flames has to be Saul but this chapter kinda made it seem as if its someone else, especially with the new info about a pitch black ship and the whirlpools appearing with it.


What is this comment lol. You just said BB defeated WB and left it at that as if it was somehow fair a 1v1. Dude swooped in at the end when WB was nearly dead and still got his ass whooped and called on his crew to finish the job, don’t give him any credit. Also, Law and Kid defeated BM because the story called for it; she was fully conscious as she was falling down, if they weren’t on a flying island they 1000% lose. You’re good at ignoring context for your own bias lol. Shanks = Kaido > BM > BB it’ll stay that way until EoS when we see Shanks and BB have their final fights.


Luffy also not fought with yonko 1v1 but he became yonko after this like BB at timeskip + BB is the last villain of One Piece what are you talking about? There's no way He is weaker than Big Mom or even Kaido in potential (also don't forget about Shanks scar)


yeah saul with that mean iceburn khan was talking about


Eid Mubarak


Khan!!! It’s so fun having you experience peak with us after all these years!!

aznpanda510 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 03:12:26 I think Kuzan might really be a Blackbeard crew. He saw that the navy didn’t give a shit about him and didn’t care much about him. Nobody talk him out of it or to quit. I believe he’s tired of following the rules when he got fucked by it so hard. Now he kinda like being on straw hats but for adults.
2023-04-25 00:54:32 I think Kuzan might really be a Blackbeard crew. He saw that the navy didn’t give a shit about him and didn’t care much about him. Nobody talk him out of it or to quit. I believe he’s tired of following the rules when he got fucked by it so hard. Now he kinda like being on straw hats but for adults. Kuzan see the marine destroy an island and kingdom because they disagree. Blackbeard, only kill if you get in the way.

I think Kuzan might really be a Blackbeard crew. He saw that the navy didn’t give a shit about him and didn’t care much about him. Nobody talk him out of it or to quit. I believe he’s tired of following the rules when he got fucked by it so hard. Now he kinda like being on straw hats but for adults. Kuzan see the marine destroy an island and kingdom because they disagree. Blackbeard, only kill if you get in the way.