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Might Be An Unpopular Opinion But Vinland Saga Is The Best Anime I'm Currently Watching. Phenomenal story writing!!! 


John Yoo

unpopular opinion? naw, you stating the facts. the storywriting is goated, fire, raw, PEAK PEAK PEAK!


I share that opinion. They are doing great with S2's anime adaptation. Also, new episode at 5:30PM UK today.


Yooo that's not why I said it. No rush, fam!

Uzumaki Khan

Was told on yaiba one piece hints are out, never knew till now, so il be leaving the comments till the chapter drops. Just incase anyone asks something and waiting for a reply. Love boys


It's up to you if you want to wait for season 3 after this season. But I would presume that the adaptation would be 2-3 years considering how long it took for season 2 to be adapted.


Would definitely wait for season 3 , the anime experience has been incredible


yo khan why were u saying to kill the old man the whole episode lol. its not like he did anything, he was just lying in bed lmaoo. My man khan out here kicking in retirement home doors

Matt Demon

why does khan want her to poison the grandpa so badly lmao

John Yoo

*Grandpa just chilling and is on his death bed* Khan: "POISON HIM!"


Vinland Saga is easily the best anime that you're currently watching. No debate imo


I like Demon Slayer alot, Vinland is better imo


im a big vinland fan myself but even i have to admit nothing comes close to yaiba


Might Be An Unpopular Opinion But Vinland Saga Is The Worst Anime I'm Currently Watching. Cuckoldish story writing!!! Why should she poison the father of the man whose cock she likes to ride? I am very surprised that no one writes this, everyone swallowed this shit? Or is it a difference in mentality and you're guys all cucks (I'm not from Europe or the States) it's so hard to watch this anime that for the first time even Khan's reactions are not interesting to watch, I hate watching women whores stories, absolutely 0 empathy for them, spread her slingshot being in slavery, agreed with this, not only is she also expecting a child from this landowner, although at this very time makes compliments to Einar, flirts with him, Did not know that Muslims in Europe support such cuckolding or it is customary for Khan in the family, if yes, then it is not surprising that his wife constantly distracts him from reactions and does not even allow him to work quietly for the good of the family, sometimes he even whispers on the reactions of BEST episodes such as All Might vs All For One (MHA season 3, episode 11) it was so disgusting to watch it, people grow up in order to be free from their parents and do whatever they want, and not look for a new mom-wife who will take away this very freedom, a person who has One Piece as TOP-1 Anime Title in his raiting did not even understand such simple things, Why then mindlessly watch the One Piece? A person has only 1 business - to watch and react to anime, but he cannot spend more than 2 hours a day on this? seriously? what does it say about him? There is no point in marrying bitches, a wife should obey a man (especially if you are a muslim you should have just such a wife) and the fact that you like such cuckold plot in the Vinland Saga and Chainsaw man, says a lot about you


damn dude.. look for a therapist! And before you change your mindset, i hope no dumb girl falls for you. i could feel my brain melting reading that bullshit 🤮


Cant help but feel sorry for people like you 😂

Kara the gamer girl from Mars

Holy shit what a freak 🤦‍♀️ You’re genuinely sick in the head please for the sake of all the women in your life get into therapy or something AND PLEASE never get into a relationship with a woman. EVER. You fucking freak