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Guys if TCB drops today, i can try do it tonight or tomorrow morning, but if it drops tomorrow evening, i might as well wait till the official drops on Sunday, literally only 2 days later. A mod messaged me saying there is a colour version of it out, but doing that i don't man I'm hesitant.



Khan bro you're caught up, the different translations have been explained to you, you know when the spoilers come out, do whatever you want. No offense to your mods, but this is coming from someone who's been defending them. Why exactly are they still involved in one piece related stuff ?


The mod who messaged Khan didn't do it to ask him to react to the colored version. He just messaged to let him know that it's an option this week that he clearly wasn't aware of. I don't see how that's an issue. The decisions are always Khan's to make.


My point is, and this is just an example: However the mod gentleman found out about the chapter, Khan could've too by himself. He already knows opscans releases Wednesday


Khan is just going to have to learn by himself on how to be a weekly reader, he just need to decides on when he is going to read the chapter and how to avoid early weekly spoilers through comments/etc. He'll decide, we'll just have to abide to it.


That's not an option unfortunately. Khan won't look up anything One Piece related as he could get spoiled. It's up to the mods to let him know about the releases, always has been.

L.A 01

Damn that color version was fire ngl


Glass case not making it after this chap

Pedro A.

STFU Idiot, because people like you, Khan doesn´t read the comments.


Color version is out already I think you should do the color version khab it’s on mangasail but nothing wrong with waiting until official translation


Wish we could ban people like this. Unfortunately Patreon sucks and we have no mod powers.

Pedro A.

So are allowed to give hints and spoilers about the chapters now, Tyrol? Ok, i got it, don't complain later :)


Pedro didnt have to be that rude about it but hes right, dont make hints like that, that indicate the chapters gonna be really good.




TCB is out


Just let him read all versions this week starting with the earliest and then he will decide for himself

King Geedorah

TCB is more consistent even without full cover chapters, there wasn't even supposed to be a OPScans chapter but they compromised with lower quality stuff and threw some color in to compensate. The translations almost always feel better on TCB.


Saying a chapter is good isn't giving "hints" or spoilers, it makes no sense. Reading a chapter is subjective. It's like saying a football game was bad because your team lost 2-4. The game might have been amazing to experience with each opportunities.. Let's take it the other way, would you rather have comments like : "boring/@ss/useless chapter/waste of time" ? It makes no difference either way. I never post these types of comments to hype up a chapter but I upvote them. So chill out, insulting people over this is childish, and as you can see you are lucky that the mods can't ban for reacting this way.

Pedro A.

For Khan to say that is already a spoiler, he didn't like it when someone said the manga would be on break last week. So posting anything before Khan reads it is just attention-seeking, why do that? It's for these reasons he doesn't read the comments.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-11 04:28:02 For people saying the coloured version was horrible, please let's be sincer and real. Khan is new to this so let's help him. Let's not forget 1. OP is difficult to read (compare to other mangas. That's just a fact with the art and paneling.), 2. Khan is new to manga and comes from the anime. 3. Khan always preferred the coloured anyway. I personally think Khan would have love the coloured way more and my advise is if there is a coloured version, always go for it. The translation is not as bad. The chapter in color was one of the best experience reading OP I had. I feel like you could feel Hachinosu vibe and chaos way better in the colored version. Anime, Manga coloured, Manga Black and white. If TCB and OP both have black and white, the choice is TCB, if there isa coloured version and it looks decent, just decent, decent coloured > black and white.
2023-04-07 03:11:47 For people saying the coloured version was horrible, please let's be sincer and real. Khan is new to this so let's help him. Let's not forget 1. OP is difficult to read (compare to other mangas. That's just a fact with the art and paneling.), 2. Khan is new to manga and comes from the anime. 3. Khan always preferred the coloured anyway. I personally think Khan would have love the coloured way more and my advise is if there is a coloured version, always go for it. The translation is not as bad. The chapter in color was one of the best experience reading OP I had. I feel like you could feel Hachinosu vibe and chaos way better in the colored version. Anime, Manga coloured, Manga Black and white. If TCB and OP both have black and white, the choice is TCB, if there isa coloured version and it looks decent, just decent, decent coloured > black and white.

For people saying the coloured version was horrible, please let's be sincer and real. Khan is new to this so let's help him. Let's not forget 1. OP is difficult to read (compare to other mangas. That's just a fact with the art and paneling.), 2. Khan is new to manga and comes from the anime. 3. Khan always preferred the coloured anyway. I personally think Khan would have love the coloured way more and my advise is if there is a coloured version, always go for it. The translation is not as bad. The chapter in color was one of the best experience reading OP I had. I feel like you could feel Hachinosu vibe and chaos way better in the colored version. Anime, Manga coloured, Manga Black and white. If TCB and OP both have black and white, the choice is TCB, if there isa coloured version and it looks decent, just decent, decent coloured > black and white.