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"You Seraphim think we're a big joke" To Me personally sounds so much more badass. And is so fitting for characters like Lucci and Kaku

"Those no good seraphim scamps" To me personally sound like they're afraid and feels so hesitant in this situation

The translation here makes a big difference personally to me on how you can judge characters. 




Which one is which translation ?


The thing is that Kaku's speech quirk in Japanese is that he talks like an old man, the 2nd translation is trying to represent that quirk in English by using scamps. It's a stylistic choice but it's not wrong at all


Guys why Tf is Khan still not reading TCBScans translations? Now look I personally prefer the official translations but clearly Khan has trouble understanding a lot of the vocabulary they use and phrases. It’s no coincidence every time he sees a tcb colour panel he discovers something new. It doesn’t change the meaning it’s just written in a simpler way. Mods please do something, your lack of help is annoying most of the community. The only good mod is Tryol


Well, as MartijnK argued, it does affect Kaku's personality because in the original language he has a speech quirk. Of course this kind of stuff is very specific, so it won't trouble most western readers. But you have to respect how the official translation tries to preserve the author's intent as much as possible.


This post almost sounded like TCB was the translation for the first one, but it's actually the official Viz one. You could think that he read TCB first and then read the official and said that he understood the official better. So I'm confused as to why he made this post lmao. Official is always the go-to for reading one piece.

Uzumaki Khan

Shit i forgot to say which one is which lol, the joke one is official, which to me sounds so much better, the other one is the fan one, if that's what its called.


Read the comments under his reactions, theres always some loud ones claiming the mods are forcing him to read officials and tcb is better. Clown energy is strong


So the "no good scramps" one, though I agree doesn't sound as good, is actually more like what Kaku would say. Because he speaks like an old timer, which Luffy mentioned Waaaay back in Water 7, he is always saying old timer shit lol


you are boring fam, joke repeated again and again is not funny anymore you know that right?


loooool iba ur mocking it. Listen there may be a few exceptions here and there, but you make decisions based on majority not anomalies. A majority of the time Khan finds the official translation puzzling at times, that fact that most people thought the first one was tcb further reinforces that point. THE ONLY GOOD MOD IS STILL TRYOL. Jumbo is more useful than most mods at this rate


I think Kaku say the scamps thing though hahahahaha he’s kinda goofy in that way


Khan is begging his mods to tell him it's ok to read the fansub but they can't admit being wrong smh.


Funny he says the official is better when on the same exact page the official translates “that would mean Vegapunk gave them their orders” implying the Stella, while the unofficial translated it as “A vegapunk” implying any of the vegapunks; Stella or satellites. It’s also a huge problem here because the official translation is further reaffirming his thoughts on it being “Vegapunk”, the Stella (despite all the evidence that would say otherwise) and it doesn’t allow him the freedom to consider other possibilities because of the restricting (and incorrect) translation.


how Ironically a lot of time the official is not correct cuz when the chapter got adapted in the anime they translated the same as the unofficial

Kor of the Son

Rare Viz W. The problem with the official translation is that, while sometimes it makes stuff sound cooler, they take a lot of liberties and insert Western colloquialisms, which makes it harder for Khan to understand. TCB is a lot more literal, but still makes the dialogue sound good IMO.


What does the anime have to do with a translation being correct? The source material here is the japanese manga. When you compare it to that, the official is almost always 1:1 with the Japanese translation while TCB tends to change it a lot. OPScans is pretty good as well when it comes to accuracy.


No, official is much more literal. Please don't say this unless you can read the Japanese.


If you want consistent translation and gags that half of the other translations miss then stick with viz. If you want translation that take more liberty, sound more natural and less consistent then fan translation is your option. I read both because most of the times gags are turned into serious conversation in fan translations. Recent example is ch1078 page 8. I like my comedy bits and viz is the best at delivering those to the reader.


Since Japanese has no articles like "a" and "the" in English, it'd be hard to tell what actually was said there. It makes sense that the official was less correct here by going with a "literal" translation. It's been a long time since I found any examples where TCB is more correct than the official, and there are multiple cases every chapter when the opposite is true. Exception proves the rule, as they say.


Agreed. Both are great for different reasons.


If only he had all the versions uploaded and could read whichever one he wants.