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1076 gonna be fire


my man Khan keeps forgetting Imu's name LMAO

Brother E


Brother E

Chapter is already out dipshit, Khan don’t read the comments anyways. Now go blow yourself up like a good Pedro.

Brother E

Yes I have a shit life! So proud of it. Look at little Pedro Jr. Gonna Cry? 😢

Pedro A.

He doesn't read the comments because of idiots like you!! I already said what I had to say to you, life has already given you a shitty life, on the streets you must be humiliated every day like should be done with a bitch like you! Have a good one!!


ah nice a hype spoiler the minute the chapter comes out, like everyone has already read the new chapter the second you did. i was literally waiting for the chapter and you posted the comment here a few minutes before even opscans posted that their chapter is out.


Exactly Citrinitas, it's not just about "khan doesn't read comments, he won't be spoiled" it's also about people who wait for at least TCB or the VIZ,it's just trashy to do.

Brother E

Well for those who have still not read it that is not my problem. Again it’s one thing to talk about a chapter when the hints/spoilers are released, but if there’s already a scan released for the chapter then at that point it’s on you for deciding to wait because you have a “preference”. Also I haven’t even said anything regarding the contents of the chapter so now you guys are bugging when nothing has been spoiled. Stop acting like entitled babies because you haven’t read it yet. That’s on you! People are still allowed to have fun in 2023. Go cry elsewhere


remember's buckingham, but not the most mysterious antagonist in one piece. The ruler of the world


Remember about the authority chain over the seraphims, who was at the top? The five elders of course, everything makes sense now


Yo Mods need to tell Khan to secure the glass cabinets before reading 1079 - just sayin'. #notspoilinganything


I guess Saint Jay Garcia being an ally is possible, but I really don't think so. Him saying, "regrettable," or, "truly such a shame," means, to me, that it's a shame they are losing such a great asset from their side. Dr. VP is the world's leading scientific mind, and lead engineer. Throughout the story, VP has been growing and growing the military might of the Navy, and now they have to kill him, that is such a shame. That's how I see it anyways

Saleem Ali

Hyping up chapter is considered spoilers... delete this comment please


First off: He doesn't read comments here. Secondly: I could say this about any Chapter past or future and it wouldn't change anything. I could say the same for 1080 even tho there ain't even Spoiler here yet. so what? People should stop shitting themselfes over literally nothing! So no. I won't delete this comment. Get over it.

Saleem Ali

So your idea of fun is being a fucking asshole and hyping up chapters to 90% of the audience who hasn't read the chapter yet? It's not only people who decided to wait to read the chapter, most people probably CAN'T read the chapter because they're busy with work (something you probably don't do) or are in a place where they cant read it, or it's people who don't even know that the chapter is even out. You know Khan doesn't read comments so what's the point of this comment? It's obvious, you're just a dickhead


yeah, this is main reason, he needs to prevent vegapunk control over seraphims


If some idea comes to the mind of Uzumaki Khan, then he will react more then half of his vid about it and talks like it already happened or 100% will happen in the manga, and not like this is a theory (clone Saturn, clone Weevil) recently a clone of Bonnie, he says she died in the past, and Kuma sacrificed something also the death of Trafargar Law cuz he forgots that BB can disable any DF, I hope he focuses more on moments in the manga than his theories, this is why he never mention that this guy Saturn with Kizaru can devastate Luffy or wondering of his powers, wondering why he has Saturn in his name but he talks contionusly about him like he friendly and ally, cuz of 1 phrase, like its good twist and it's already happened, mods please tell this to him


you're literally telling the mods to tell Khan what your comment says, which is to hype Khan about a particular chapter, which is spoilers. 😁


btw not telling you to delete your comment but I think you yourself forget what your original goal was with this comment lmao


This glass thing is really may be dangerous for him


My original goal was to make a somewhat funny comment. Its not like I forgot it, you just didn't get it. LMFAO. I don't really care about what the mods tell him or not. In this chapter again he almost ran straight inside the glass. There may be a chapter where he finally breaks it in the future. Maybe its not wrong to warn him if smth big might be about to happen. Nonetheless - its not a spoiler to hype smth up as long as there is no context to it since every chapter rn is kinda hype. Again: I could've said 1080 and it would still be the same. Just like when people were hyping up 1045 in the past. Not a big difference.


Brother E I feel like you've seen the logic that people use for anime-onlys and manga readers. In that context it's correct. but my brother in christ. you're reading from op scans. i have been reading from them too for a minute. but it's not everyone's go-to to read from an illegal scanlation group that posts their chapters before the chapter even releases. tcb does this too. anyway i dont give a shit about that my point is stop pretending you aren't a fucking asshole because you're acting like the people you're spoiling are the ones that are


Unfortunately even without context it's still spoilers hyping up a chapter 😅


Thats BS. End of discussion. Btw - I hereby hype up 1080 as well. Dunno what'll happen tho but yeah... "Spoilers". Lol...


its-RobZen you can call BS and keep crying about it i'm just saying it how it is man. also you don't have to like your own comments as soon as you post them that doesn't make your opinion more valid bud.


Saying how you THINK it is. And I call that bullshit. End of story. Why are you still even arguing here? If you are bored then go read spoilers for 1080. I'm sure somewhere out there someone is hyping it up already. Stop crying and get on with your life.


Liking your own comments doesn't make your opinion anymore significant. Khan considers it spoilers for a chapter to be hyped up. I don't know what you're getting so excited about.


1. You're literally telling the mods to hype up a chapter, but you later said it was a joke and you aren't literally telling them to do so.


2. It's not just about Khan you're still spoiling everybody else that doesn't follow OP Scans. Anyway I don't care you can drop spoilers anywhere you want but stop pretending you aren't spoiling people by hyping the chapter up beforehand

Brother E

@Saleem Ali First off, don’t go making assumptions about how many people read or didn’t read the chapter yet. You and I both know 90% is a bullshit number to be throwing out there. Plenty of people on here and other places online have been already discussing the new chapter. It’s not my problem that people can’t or haven’t read the chapter yet. I am still allowed to talk about it since I’ve read it and want to discuss it with those people who’ve read it already as well. Hyping up a chapter is completely different than spoiling it, I’m expressing my enjoyment of it as opposed to blatantly saying xyz happened. Plenty people have done it, they’re doing it now, and they’ll do it in the future. Stop trying to act like a hero and keep your mouth shut. @Potato Honestly I don’t give a fuck about the translations, at the end of the day Viz is the official and that’s all what matters. My only care is Who Drops The Chapter First, I’ve been reading One Piece for 20 years and it’s always been about reading the chapter before getting spoiled. Same reason Khan dropped the anime for the manga. As long as I read the chapter as soon as it releases then I’m content, if other people want to wait for ‘preference’ then that’s on them and if they end up getting spoiled then it’s their personal problem. My point here is that I shouldn’t be faulted for deciding to already to read the chapter and hype it up. It’s other people’s problem if they want to wait, that decision is on all of them. That doesn’t make me an asshole, it’s just the cold hard truth. If I really wanted to be an ass then I could say xyz happen in this chapter. Again though that’s not my intention, I am just enjoying myself and my “shit” life. If you can’t see that perspective than there is nothing more to discuss.


Still liking your own comments for compensate for something, at the end of the day if you posted this comment before the chapter is even out on ANY moderated One Piece related forum it would be deleted . So take that in 😁


Actually I'm capping I didn't read the entire comment. I would agree in retrospect asshole might've been hyperbole. but you're not being mindful to others. like think about the threshold you've set here. you expect everyone to follow with the illegeal scanlation group that releases the chapter first? you're just being insensitive at that point and my only problem was you aren't even acknowleding that and instead putting blame on everyone else who doesnt read mega-early scanlations. TCB is early but even TCB isn't as early as opscans

Pedro A.

You're talking as if 'Saturn' is 100% fact. It's just another theorie of a million others theories that go wrong...

Joel Cotto

Mods please guard this man from spoilers cuz after this week chapter😬😬😬😬 thing will be a chaos level


PLEASE someone tell him to react to the OHARA theory about saturn and the FIVE ELDERS being PLANETS and such

Pedro A.

All of Ohora's "theories" are wrong, he hasn't got any right so far. Stop believing in this people from internet who make´s money with their "theories"


Why do people on the internet like you so readily make assumptions about others haha i just dont get it. No. I dont believe any theory i come across. I dont even know any other theories.. i only know this one cuz it got viral. Matter fact seems like you the one consuming too much content on the internet here fam. Anyways.. this one felt right. Everyone thinks it makes alot of sense


Also.. it doesnt matter if its true or not who cares.. i would just love to see khans reaction to the madness of it all and hear what he thinks about it


thats the whole beauty about cathing up with manga is to be able to make guesses like he always does every 5 mins

Pedro A.

No need to get nervous, calm down fam! Khan reads One Piece with his own perspective, without reading other theories and that's what makes him unique, because he has his own opinion. Once you start reading theories and think they make sense, you get that idea in your head and think you're right when you aren´t. Ohara got it wrong all the time, the last one was about Vegapunk, so you can't expect to show Khan something that is a lie/theory. If it's true, it will appear in the story and he will read it.


Well he doesn't read other theories right now because he isn't caught up lol


Dont wana argue here too much but it bugs me how you so confident Ohara iswrong. Let me remind you in case you dint know, if you flip a coin 100 times and they all come up heads, doesnt mean next one is gon be heads nor tails, its still 50/50, so is the case with making any guesses about any future scenario. Even in the judical system if you committed 700 crimes before, they cant be used to convict you the next time. All i wana say is Stop. Making. Asumptions. Be. More. Open. Minded. To. Possibilities.

Pedro A.

I don't think you got what I wrote, so let me explain: 1. I said he's been wrong on all his theories, not this one, but I work with probability and if something happens 99/100% of the time, I can't expect a different result, right? 2. Ohara's job is to create theories and he wants to be "the guy" who knows everything, it's all good, but unfortunately he doesn't get anything right in his theory´s, like most people, which is why ODA is unique and why I love One Piece. 3. Khan is a content creator, and I follow him and not the others precisely because he's not part of the "One Piece community" and has his own line of thinking, and he watches One Piece because he loves it without trying to make theories or be "the guy." He simply loves the anime. Him not reading other people's theories allows him to have a clear mind to react to the way he observes the events in the manga, right or wrong. That's why his reactions to the manga are incredible because we see how his mind works in the moment, live, without any cut. Unlike those other content creators who write, think, and then post the content. To sum it up, Khan is Khan because he doesn't read other people's theories, and I'd like him to keep it that way because I enjoy seeing how he thinks, no matter how stupid it may be sometimes. That's my opinion, and everyone has their own, it´s all good.


I absolutely cannot wait for ch 1079 reaction. Please make sure he does not get spoiled. I'm begging you


So I'm a few episodes behind in one piece like 20 episodes behind, where does the anime leave off (for the manga chapter) at the current episode?


I plan to catch up by this weekend and then read the manga


the latest one piece episode just adapted the entirety of chapter 1029, so chapter 1030 is where you would start if you're caught up with the anime before this saturday/sunday

Pedro A.

You are spoiling a lot a people right know!!! Mods should remove this comment!!