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22:15 most powerful THERE!!!!! of all time the whole camera shook LMAO


khan with the next lvl observation as always


i thought vegapunk just lied to the goverment about the failed fruit, but khan called the truth


How about one piece red :D


Vegapunk really is the antithesis of the world government lmao. Easily accessible, unlimited, unfiltered, and uncensored knowledge is the worst case scenario for an authoritarian regime. If I'm not mistaken we have only speculation and not the exact reason why they want to get rid of vegapunk, but I'd assume it's because of Punk Records. If this event is supposed to parallel the ohara event but on a bigger scale this all adds up as to why saturn is showing up. Clover had a confrontation on the phone with them during the buster call, and now a direct conflict is around the corner. Saturn vs Vegapunk clash of ideologies incoming possibly???


i think it was mentioned somewhere before, probably in fishman island arc, that it was 200 years ago, when the ryugu royal family became eligible for reverie or something along this line...i think it was also stated that before this event happened, people straight up considered them as fish...it was around this time that they were started to get acknowledged as people


the thing is though, how is that connected to the iron giant. it's so strange oda's got my head spinning


yeah that's the thing...there's also the parallel between the giant climbing up the red wall and fisher tiger climbing up the red wall...


and kuma climbing the wall could be connected somehow maybe. idk at this point i feel like oda intentionally hasn't given us enough info to go off of. I'd be shocked if the answer was in plain sight


Vegapunk using google drive yo

Hodyfa Zyani

Someone make vertical pages for him, i still dont understand why its not still done yet.


I don't understand why people still cry about it... it doesn't matter... if he misses panel he is told about it later...

Hodyfa Zyani

You can clearly see that he is still struggling to not see other panels. You should also not try to give an antagonizing comment back, Remain respectfull. I merely wondered why it wasnt still done.


56:10 that jumpscare ringtone made me laugh so bad


Idk why would you keep saying that you will do Bluelock on some specific day if you are not going to do it, i wouldn't care if you said you will do it after you finish the op manga, and i wouldn't care if you've done it once, but like you've done it 3 times for these past episodes alone


If you watched you would have heard him say what his son is going through,and its gonna be harder to put out content cause he needs to take care of him in the morning when he usually records one piece so that moves one piece to the after noon when he records bluelock. So if he's gonna put something out it's gonna be one piece, Thats priority #1 over everything else. Hopefully that explains why blue lock reactions didn't come out yet.


i'll be honest, it doesn't really explain much, i don't think it's unfair for the viewers to expect the content creator to priorities the content that he says he will produce, meaning this op reaction still came out before the bluelock


Chill with the attitude Turza, he asked a simple question that makes sense seeing how Khan likes to read things one step at a time.

Abe Strat

unlimited, unfiltered, and definitely an uncensored retard up here👆


I love and hate one piece fans equally and this is a perfect examples of it! the thing is that I agree with both of them!

Marcel Müller

Nah this is a totally fair reaction for someone that hasnt been around for a long time with Khan. A lot of us know about a few personal struggles, harsh situations, no time etc and his side in which he doesnt really communicate a lot and disappears for quite some time before updating us months later. Or his habit to drop a show for a long while and the only indicator will be at the end of a 1 hour reaction in a different anime, it can be confusing. We dont care and thats alright, ppl that watch him for 7-8 years are used to it and expect it, but he probably liked his reaction, subbed to the patreon and expected him to adhere to his words like a lot of other reactors do it with set schedules. Khans situation is different and not really consistent, not his fault but I can see Bashs point tbh.


@Abe the dickriding you do should be illegal. you been sucking my dick for weeks LMAO i really hurt your feelings poor thing


I mean he’s going to watch all of it. Who cares if it comes out today, tomorrow, or next week.


loool spot on Marcel. We never expect Khan to stick to his word or schedule we just go with the flow whatever comes out comes out


some people here aren't respectful nothing we can do about it. idk how khan attracts weird folks

Abe Strat

Only one thinking about feelings is the lonely person leaving retarded comments on every video. Retard.


keep sucking my dick, no one agrees wit you lmao

Abe Strat

There he goes again with the retarded dick talk, can’t wait for your next retarded comment on the next video. I get to call you a retard again and watch you panic lolol


you can barely spell brother nobody panicking


NAHHHHHHH, bro didnt care but wrote a whole essay on this thread. That's crazy, couldn't be me 🍆🚴‍♂️

Abe Strat

Come on retard, you know I piss you off so much so you like your own comments lolololololol

Abe Strat

You’d like to think that, but I honestly don’t. It’s funny to me as well that I’m not the only one that thinks you’re a retard. Retard 😂😂😂😂😂


is that the lie you tell yourself so you sleep well at night? liking your own comments and spamming emojis doesn't make your insecurities go away nigga

Abe Strat

The fact that you keep bringing it up shows that it pisses you off retard lololol