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I want film red reaction more than chapter reactions now


Mods really need to clear up the multitude of misinterpretations Khan has each chapter lol


Khan doesn't do this often, but with this chapter it was sort of frustrating that he missed the forest for the trees. I don't wanna dictate how he reads and understands the story, but it felt like he didn't quite grasp the reveal at the end there. They explain it more in detail next chapter so it's fine, but man the biggest shock for me reading the end there was how a nation was so advanced in prehistoric times. HOW were they so advanced. There's a hint in this chapter regarding their power source being an undying flame, but yea khan was more focused on how/why they fell rather than how they were even able to pull off something like that 900 years ago. It was funny seeing him assume egghead and the ancient kingdom having some sort of relationship back then when the connection was that the tech we have today, isn't new at all. It's a play on the entire shtick of this island being 500 years into the future. Not that they both were advanced areas 900 years ago, but only one fell. All will be explained regardless though


thankfully oda said in an interview that he writes the story for his casual audience as well as his dedicated fanbase. It's apparent in his dialogue sometimes too where he has his character explicitly say things rather than rely on implicit dialogue which a lot of authors do. Which does make sense a balance is needed to not insult your viewers intelligence. I doubt he'll have many misunderstandings after a few rereads and discussions


When I say he misinterprets I mean in the sense that he very literally reads the words on the page and gets something else entirely out of them. I think it's fine if he doesn't fully understand something (yet) or if he thinks xy or z will happen and it doesn't; that's all to be expected. However, he has a tendency to take things way too literally and unless he's told after the fact, he's going to stay with those assumptions. For instance, in this chapter when Shaka says "this place is the past" Khan thinks he means in a very literal sense when Shaka really means that this place is similar to the past due to the highly advanced tech. Same thing with yesterday's chapter too. Khan thought Shaka could very literally see his death in the future, but the interpretation was never intended to be that literal, Shaka (vegapunk) is just smart enough to know his life is in danger.


Guys, we hear you. Going forward we will be numbering each panel and drawing guiding arrows for Khan to not miss anything. I've also disabled the zoom feature, and we've hired a new guy to do the reactions instead of him. He looks very similar so you probably won't notice it unless you read this. If you want to catch the real Khan again, you can do so in his monthly, 15-minute car streams where he talks about the latest chapter until someone spoils or hints some stupid shit in chat. See you there.


Wow seeing anybody upset about khan missing anything is really annoying. People are so impatient and desperate...

King Geedorah

Can't wait for the coming chapters, it's getting real GOOD!


yee ik but is there really anything that can be done about that besides literally having someone tell him? we know mods won't lmao

Brother E

I just hope this replacement Khan actually has a full set of hair!....W comment Tryol


Mans gotta stop missin panels🤣


oh you mad as fuck from when i said that? u gonna cry?


Again zoom again missing panels...

Ocean Flan

Ya'll really complaining over silly stuff in the comments. My man is new to manga, he watched over 1000 episodes in the anime. He's still learning, chill. Just help him out and he'll do better. Everyone's readthrough is different. Let my man cook and enjoy the story.

Kurozumi Zoro

Yes the complaining is a bit much, but to be fair it is not totally unreasonable to see why they are upset. Someone just needs to politely point it out to him to not forget to zoom out on panels and to read the correct direction. Both sides aren't wrong here, just the extremes are annoying. Yes the complaining is over the top, but also don't totally dismiss them and be arrogant. They are correct in bringing this issue up.