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This was a poll i wanted to make once i witness wano’s conclusion. The arcs below im assuming they’re going to be in people’s favourite. It’s not all the arcs but one of these im sure it’s gonna be your favorite.



Skypiea and Marineford. Wano is down the list


Idk, I just really enjoyed Whole Cake. The aesthetic of the island, Big Mom and Sanji backstory, the wedding, the characters, the finale of Katakuri and Luffy. Also, since its a shorter arc I feel like it didn't waste too much time (at least for the manga). Wano has some of the best moments in One Piece, but there were also sooooo many segments I just did not care about.


Water 7/Enies Loby




Zou and sabaody are really good too! :)




D: Why only one its sooo hard to pick! If it's only one then its Wano! Top three for me are Wano, Marineford, and Dressrosa.

Adrian Lara

this I harder Than I thought

Kyle Burrola

Wano for sure. I love the Akazaya. I love Oden. I love Momo and Tama. I love Yamato. Kaidou was such a badass. Having Law and Kidd team up was so fucking cool. It was perfect in my opinion. I was sad when it ended. I still miss Kin and Momo. I hope we see them soon.


Yo mods, help Khan get read on SBS's bros at least the ones related to Wano


sorry mods, is there any chance for khan to react to cover stories and SBS?


way too many for that to realistically happen, maybe periodically or just the important ones