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This was actually foreshadowed from volume 25, i repeat volume 25!!!!.

how one can tell its not no coincidence its the order the characters are in.

if this is not mind blowing then what is.


p.s Celiodas salute for sending this.




thats crazy...




Common GODA Moves


When reaching the end of wano we need red movie 🕺🏻


who's the goat in the middle tho




If someone don't truly understand this foreshadowing then I will explain: Khan the goat eatin patreon money in middle - Oda knew it 10years ago!


that aint foreshadowing my boy


You might think this is foreshadowing but it's not. It's a recontexualisation of something to make it appear as if it's foreshadowing or that it connects to something. It's a callback to this volume cover birthed from an idea Oda likely came up as he was developing the story, earliest I could imagine he came up with the Buggy as a yonko idea was during Marineford when he meme'd Buggy's failing upwards. One Piece fans think literally everything is foreshadowing when it's not, Oda is using an author/artist trick to make the illusion that it was always planned.


Yh cos Oda told u that himself didnt he. stop being dumb


Ahhh so Oda told you that he planned this then? I can use the same argument back against you. The thing is a lot of people who are into One Piece are usually accustomed to a very small circle of stories beyond a set area of anime/manga. This is 100% a writing tactic I've seen used elsewhere to connect a new idea into canon by utilising and recontextualising old ideas. Oda may have come up with Buggy as a yonko later, marineford was purely a reference point, but the fact your retort throws an attempt to insult my intelligence without actually responding with valid arguments as to why I'm wrong suggests you don't know what you're talking about


Actual nerd in the comments getting upset over the specific definition of a word. Go outside and touch some grass


You talking to me bud? Did my criticism or opinion upset you? Are we actually resorting to insults and aggression over this? This is hilarious, perhaps I should've realised that trying to criticise or engage in an even slightly intellectual discussion with a hivemind community that has been infested with the worst of One Piece fans would only end with people spewing venom. I made a point, responded to criticism and then somebody decides to start making assumptions about me. Yes I would rather we use the words how they're defined, yes I would rather we not incorrectly assume things, that's why we have words. Did the education system fail you that badly that when people use it correctly it ruffles your jimmies? I like One Piece but it's not this infallible magnum opus that rivals the bible, perhaps those that assume it so should touch some grass since it seems that's what most of their life revolves around. Heaven forbid I use a chat to say something and use slightly big words to say it.


While it's true that not everything in One Piece is foreshadowing, in this case, it seems highly likely that it is. The fact that the four characters were shown in a specific alignment on both the volume cover and in Chapter 1053 cannot be a coincidence. Oda is known for his meticulous planning and attention to detail in the One Piece world, and it's highly unlikely that he would use a callback without a clear purpose. Furthermore, the idea that Buggy would become a Yonko might have been inspired by a moment during Marineford, but it's highly unlikely that Oda would randomly decide to include Buggy in that specific alignment with the other Yonko on the volume cover without a long-term plan. Oda has been known to plan storylines and character arcs years in advance, and it's not uncommon for him to leave hints and clues for the attentive reader. Overall, it's clear that Oda is using these volume covers and other storytelling devices to create a sense of continuity and coherence in the One Piece world.


See this is actually a well thought out response, thank you Zhiar. I'd like to disagree with you on something, it's not a coincidence that it's staged like that you're right, but I'd disagree that therefore means that the volume 25 cover being the same layout as chapter 1053 reveal means that he had planned it back during volume 25. Consider what I've said regarding callbacks and recontextualising things. It's very possible that Oda came up with the idea of Luffy and Buggy being yonko's before Wano, I won't contest that. However consider the fact that Oda could very well have placed and staged the placement of these posters in reference to volume 25. It's an age old writing technique that utilises previous inconsequential and irrelevant imagery or things and calls back to it to establish a connection. It gives off the impression to the viewer that actually Volume 25 was foreshadowing despite it being nothing but a cover design. The assumption that because it looks the same as volume 25 cover therefore it is foreshadowing imo is not correct, a writer can easily in hindsight refer to previously made material and redesign things in the present material to create an illusion that it's connected. Miura who wrote Berserk said in an interview he did the very same thing despite how well crafted and cohesive the narrative was, he created ideas while making Berserk that he would then connect to previously designed stuff that didn't actually have any relevance at the time. Brandon Sanderson, the author of the Cosmere universe of books also established very similar hindsight connections to seemingly irrelevant things, particularly the pools in his first published book Elantris, later connecting to the universal structure of what became Cosmere


I only said this because the way you worded it implied you felt that it was certain that Oda done that callback foreshadowing thing. If you said theres a chance he used that method, I wouldve been aliright with that cos I agree that theres a chance. Im calling you dumb, because youre actin like its certain that he didnt foreshadow this.


I'm certain in my understanding of what foreshadowing and narrative hindsight are and know that in conjunction with this, this isn't foreshadowing, at least this example. That's not to say that I don't think Oda has done amazing foreshadowing and world building in the past, because I do think that's one of his strong suits in this story, at least for the most part. I just disagree with this being an example of said foreshadowing based on the definition of it as well as my experience reading works, anime/manga and beyond, and having qualifications in creative writing with a desire to write my own novels. It's an age old technique used by other authors to create an illusion to the audience of connected relevance. You're free to disagree as you wish, but I would rather if you are to retort you do so with maturity and reasoning as well as back up your point of view. I would also appreciate in future if when you're talking with someone and you have opposing viewpoints, even if they're objectively wrong, don't insult their intelligence, it does not convince them that you are right.


there's no way people are actually arguing if this was foreshadowing or not. Words mean things lmao this simply is not foreshadowing


Now please argue about the "foreshadowing" of Ace's death through that coverstory with the Ace and all that stuff. I still have some popcorn left. And while we are at it with those mindblowing things.. Maybe Oda did it intentionally or not, but Reverie Arc has a countdown to Wano. It had 6 chapters. First started with the announcement of Luffy being the 5th emperor (5). Next was the appearance of the 4 revo commanders (4). Next was the silhouette of the 3rd Admiral, Aramaki (3). Then there was the 2nd Strawhat in the Holy Land (2). Next the one empty throne. (1) And at last, Kuma aka PX 0 appeared. (0) Wano starts. Now its you guys turn. Odas intention or pure coincidence? At this point i am willing to share my popcorn. Have fun guys.


It is a foreshadowing, oda done it again in the latest volume to tell yall. He does not need fake flexes anyways

Damian Nowak

Maybe,but Oda loves shit like that ,there are tons of instances of words and number plays


Yea its not very unlikely and not a far reach at all. He does number stuff all the time. Even with the bounties.


Is khan doing a new chapter today?


He's taking a month as break to experience it the right way

Damian Nowak

Is it really that far fetched that Oda had current 4 yonkos in his mind from the beggining? As far as i know he didnt really planed Warlord ,when he started he only had yonkos in mind ,i understand the cover 25 may not be foreshadowing but a retcon but still how many instances of such details become a pattern not a coincidance


no, it isn't that far fetched considering it's oda. The issue is this isn't evidence of foreshadowing. and no, isn't a retcon either. its a callback


you don't know what that word means