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Love the reactions bro


Man I wish you would upload to streamable or any other hosting site as well, these patreon videos always buffer around weirdly and have not settings


when i get this issue, the video usually load for max 2min then freeze unless you pause it. If i reload the page i get like 8min of loading. Thats the best "fix" i have so far but yeah it kinda sucks


29:10 my man missed the bottom part of the page


Khan needs to make sure he scrolls all the way to the bottom of the page. He's missing some things


I went over to just Edge just for these videos and have 0 issues, but in Chrome and Firefox there's issues with the buffering and loading so i recommend trying Edge just for these videos


Loving these reactions but this new video player is awful it starts buffering like every minute so I need to pause for 10 seconds repeat :(


MODS tell khan to read on the TCB website, the translations are much more accurate. For example, instead here where king says " so you intend to be a king then" and luffy saying "the world's greatest swordsman. That's great!! and it's fitting since your new boss is going to be the king of the pirates" TCB translate it accurately and it reads like this, king says "so you've also got kingly ambitions" and luffy says "the world's greatest swordsman? Thats perfect! The future king of the pirates wouldnt settle for anything less"


Stop asking for him to switch translation. He's literally reading the most accurate one which is the official by viz and the same used for the physical version in english. People only read TCB because they're the fastest one to release the chapter at high quality with good scans and tl. You should never read the TCB version if the viz is out.


TCB is more accurate than VIZ, idc if it's "official" doesn't mean its the most accurate. You think luffy would say he's zoro's boss? When have you ever seen that before


"I have no clue how to read japanese but this site does better translations than the other one because they use words that i like more"

Monkey D. Obama

just because the official translation uses words that sound worse to you doesn't mean they aren't accurate to what was intended to be said


Mods should tell him it was always called Shimotsuki village since the early chapters, I don't think he ever came to that realization in the reaction. Tell Khan to go to Chapter 440, page 6.


I'm going off what I intuitively have always felt when reading the series. Viz "official" translations often feel tone deaf and too refined which throws off the flow of chapters for me at times because certain things said seem out of character. One example of them being too refined is the spelling of "Zolo", yes officially this is correct but the people working at TCB would never make what I consider such an obvious blunder. So I'd say while TCB might not be 100% accurate officially, they tailor the translations to what the characters would realistically be saying. Anyway, I didn't think so many people would disagree with me, you guys are right in that I don't know Japanese and so can't say for certain whether I'm right, and this is just a subjective preference I guess so it is what it is, not a big deal




I do think that the TCB translation sounds better but VIZ is def more accurate. I dont think its that big a deal which one Khan reads


You gotta slow down on reading a little bit bro, sometimes you be misinterpreting obvious things said or sometimes skipping whole panels lol. Great work tho otherwise bro keep it up




Problem is he slows down too much he's overanalyzing obvious stuff and it has the opposite effect


Yeah, sometimes he spends too long looking at a single panel and the flow is lost. Which makes him miss some stuff. It's better to read the entire scene so that you understand the action and meaning.

Salman '96

This man even avoids titles for the manga chapters lol he's built different