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Khan calling Luck a she o_O


Is khan watching the blu ray version of the show? If not would it be possible someone mentions it to him? The blu ray has many improved scenes of the show where it looks wonky.


-6° holly molly thats chilly


I'm giving him all the episodes for all the shows. The reason he watches the web version is because you can't expect people who watch with timer (on YouTube) to sync up to the Blu-ray. Most people have low standards or aren't tech-savvy enough to get the Blu-rays with good fansubs, and they just default to the web version. This is not something I decided on, this is what Khan wants in order for people to be able to sync up with a timer. I wish I could give him the Blu-rays for everything.


But don't the blu ray episodes have the same run time as the normal episodes?


Holly molly! This anime has chance to become worst shonen i ever watched, will wait a little more before i change nickname tho. When I watch this, I feel like I'm eating reheated food. Characters are predictable, simple, matched with typical patterns with a bad backstories. No mystery in the story yet, no character is interesting there, nothing to hook up me to the series, the fights are on a different level of stiffness, the attacks of the characters look like card attacks from yu gi oh. Hope it gets better or really I will admit 7deadly sins and fairy tail are better shows.


The beginning of BC is rough sure, but crazy thing is if you don't like it don't watch simple lmao


I will because I like Khan as a person. But series are not going any good for me.


I just made an opinion and you attacked me there for that, look at yourself first. And I am not giving up on the series yet, as you see. I know anime may suprise us later. I just gave my "early-game" opinion, and for now this show is not interesting at any line for me.


I am adult. Its natural for me to comment and share my mind - why not? Maybe I will find more people with same opinion as mine and change something(for example another poll). Thats why comments exist in first place - To measure if creator is doing good by community respond. Community full of yes-mans is not community but an sect. Your comment is suggesting "only possitvie comments are allowed" - thats not true buddy and thats not healthy for noone. I just made my opinion and I think if everyone do the same this community can level up smoothly.


Not, they are pretty much always changed. Some even have brand new or modified scenes or different logo placements. I've never seen a single anime Blu-ray that had the exact same runtime as the web version, and I've seen lots of them.

John Yoo

Just because he doesn't like BC now doesn't mean ppl should tell him he should stop watching it. Obviously he has valid criticism since early BC is weak. Gosh... so many toxic peeps on patreon. When i say something i dont like about mid piece, so many ppl attack me for just stating my opinion. also, ICHI MOTHER FKIN GOAT MY GUUUUAAY


Thats it John, you talking facts. The fun of whole situation is the other dude attacks me and my nickname calling himself peacenowar when he just started war in comment section and is hater himself, lol. Never knew BC fanboys like that exists, making me hate series even more. Not answering anymore bye bye have a nice day guys.


You sound bitch made go back to Yu-Gi-Oh your the reason khan can’t enjoy anime.


All these toxic comments.. real mature guys. BC is a joke, and only frauds like it. It continues to showcase how predictable and surface level the story truly is, proving once again Yuki Tabata cannot write to save his life. I mean the guy thinks it's funny to add paedophilic nose bleeds for a dude talking about his underaged sister, trying to push his siscon personality lol. Could never be Kubo.. could never be Togashi. Black Clover will always be a value version Fairy Tail, and there is nothing you dirty fanboys can do about it. Fairy GOAT > Fraud Clover


The show does get better, the first bit of the show is hard for some to keep up with because of how it is structured but it gets good, really good.


Didn't you say if you don't like Bleach, not to comment on the Bleach videos? Yet here you are on a black clover video calling it trash.


XD I said it may be worst shonen I watched but I will still give it a chance and yet few people called me bitch, mental health issues kid, birth defect, "if you say anything more you like cock" and you are glad "I am wasting my money" - you nicely representing Khans followers, hope you are proud of yourselves, if not then Asta for sure is 🤡🤡


Black clover fav new gen idc



L.A 01

These comments made of pure hatred are shameless holy


I just gave my opinion there is no hate in any of my comments unlike yours and other people in this thread. You can't understand thing I said in my first reply, that i just gave opinion on early episodes but i will still give chance to the series. Just stop with your theories, give up with forcing to make me look evil there, just stop man, you act like you are going to burst, only because I said early black clover episodes sucks for me. I am some random guy in comment section and you totally lost your mind for me because my opinion is different. Leave me alone already (wtf)


Ok yeah, you gotta be a troll. I saw your comments on the poll that you love early BC and I am guessing you dont actually hate FT. Why you gotta be so confusing man XD. You legit cant be angry that I said what I said in this comment chain.


All I’m hearing right now is cockery. I should dispose of your bloodline


Man you should be banned for that pemamently, Imagine being born in 97 almost 30 years old and wishing death to someone family in comments. Hope someone helps you one day


>"all these toxic comments... real mature guys." >proceeds to write a very toxic comment highlighting his own childish mindset You really cant make this shit up lmao

Danny D. Legend

you guys are straight poison in the comment section