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This post was due some time ago, but typical me always thinking of the backclash im gonna receive i stop myself.
By Bleach’s next episode whatever wins il go with that. Unless i see the poll dramatically favours one over the other. Then maybe i can do it sooner. 



^ I agree just finish one thing and then start another you are only 4 episodes into black clover and 3 arcs to end ft


It would make sense to just finish FT and then continue with Black Cover (or whatever), we got too many series already that were never continued imo. But of course that's up to Khan.


If you want to get out of this situation to be honest it makes sense to finish FT asap. Because what if a new anime comes out that you enjoy more than FT and BC before you finish them? Then they will get delayed again and then you have 3 anime juggled at the same time. If you're totally fine with that then we will just watch whatever, but it really affects you much more than us tbh.


We ft fans had to wait for months just to continue to finish and now we are in for a losing poll again man...


LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!


Someone tell Khan to do the logical thing instead of the opinionated option. If Fairy Tail is approaching End Game and Black Clover has barely exited the intro, Isnt the option that makes sense finish Fairy Tail then Finish Black clover. This Backlash Khan is on about is just two man complainin its not that deep 😭


Guys please. It makes so much sense to let him finish fairy tail and then just binge trash black clover

Saleem Ali

Let's hope Khan never touches Mid Tail again

Amanullah Amin

I mean if even the Fairy Tail hater says you should finish Fairy Tail, you probably should.


This is a hard choice cause I’d love both, but something is better then nothing, so I’d say fairy tail. It’s a bit boring right now but the Tartarus arc is one of the best. And I’d love to see his reaction to fairy tail zero.


But I hate splitting votes like this, cause I don’t want Khan to feel he has to do what we say, I’d rather he do what he wants/can.


im fine with either , i just hope FT doesn't join the other unfinished animes


:( poor fairy goat guess ill have to finish meself lol