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Oh Man It's Been A While!!!


Fairy Tail 227 228 229



Welcome to the beginning of the best arc in Fairy Tail, technically this is the Sun Village arc but it blends together with Tartarus nicely. The gates of the nether world have been cracked open, hope your ready Khan.


Bro, I really can’t wait for Khan to watch “Zero” so… can someone in the discord spoil it for me? When is he watching it, I really wanna know. I’ve only seen to the end of the Tartarus arc, so everything after is gonna be new to me… though I might know how it ends, I’ve heard some spoilers.


Probably a good idea to watch it after the Tartarus arc huh? Might be a dumb question. Just asking cause I watched zero in between Tartarus and the newest season. Ya know?


Oh shoot, I mean between the dragon festival arc and the Tartarus arc.


Zero is probably after tartarus