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Requested Or Not I Couldn't Stop At The End Of Episode 2.


berserk episode 2 3



khan the 1997 anime is really good, dont let others fool you, its really amazing. You should finish it and perhaps start/continue reading the manga afterwards. The CGI anime is really not worth it.


Honestly just start watching and reading Berserk as a whole and not a request. It is without a doubt one of the most legendary pieces of fiction next to One Piece.

Saleem Ali

Man i really hope he read the manga. It's so much better, anime skips a lot


im really happy to see you reacting to my #1 anime/manga of all time!


I'd love to see more


Berserk is a great story. Guts if my favorite character in anime.


Just finished watching the full reaction. Nobody said the anime is bad (the 1997 at least not the 2016 version) its a good adaptation, just not perfect since it skips some scenes that have important character development. If you want the best experience read the manga, if you want to continue with the anime it's not a bad decision either way. Trust me as much as I love One Piece, seinen like Berserk are just more mature in storytelling. I was a teenager when I read Berserk and it helped me grow as a person, it's one of those stories that is not just a story but something that impacts your life. I know it sounds cheesy so I will stop.


Anyone know if he's continuing Chihayafuru?


Chihayafuru is a requested anime same as D. Grayman, Berserk, Gundam, Drifters etc. He's only reacting to them cause people request them via the higher Patreon tier. Of course in the end he can do whatever he wants, but for now he hasn't said that he will continue any of them on his own.


Who's houken?


In the latest Drifter reaction he said maybe Thursday or Friday as a requested


yo khan, I bet they talk bad about berserk 2016 anime. Worst CGI ever. The old one is amazing and the Berserk: The Golden Age Arc movies are also very very good but I think they are a remake for the old anime when I remeber correctly

محمد شيشتر

(KHAN I WILL MENTION THE MANGA HERE BUT ONLY THE ART AND NOTHING OF THE STORY. I WOULD NEVER SPOIL ANYTHING TO YOU). Damn ma boys, last time I saw classic berserk was years ago. I was a teenager and did not care and understand things about anime as much as I do now. But Holy smokes the difference in quality and art style between this and the manga is insane man. I’m comparing the manga panels related to this episode and they’re just on a different level man. Berserk is one of them works where we will probably never see an anime that will top its manga in terms of art💔 but from the bottom of my heart I wish one day it will happen. I’ve finished the manga twice and my goodness is it not the most beautiful sight my eyes have ever seen. Legit every panel was a canvas. And I’m not saying classic berserk is bad, its actually far from it in my opinion. It made us see the characters in motion and they’ve casted amazing voice actors for the characters, and It gave us the BEST soundtracks for us to listen to while reading berserk😂🔥. But I still cant believe that people say that classic berserk is bad, I completely understand that people are hating on the CGI and I cant agree more to the hate, they disrespected kentaro’s art and character’s emotions.


Khan: "OMG Griffith, I love him already." 😭. Khan finally got to experience the angelic sounds of the Guts Theme