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This video was honestly a waste of time. Kaido was NO where to be seen.


2022-06-12 21-45-26



An adaptation isn't supposed to be 1:1 copy of the source. You make changes depending on how the story is flowing in the new medium. To expect otherwise is an exercise in futility.


Yes khan, join black and white side!


I don't see how people can defend anime for putting shitty filler in scenes and changing the order of events xD also the "anime isn't 1:1 copy of manga" comment is bs, because why would you not 1:1 copy the best selling manga in history??? For me OP anime since Fishmen feels like DBZ where everything is so stretched out it makes me cringe... but there is no reason to push Khan into reading manga if for now he is happy watching the anime... just let him do what he wants


"I'm watching smth completely different than what Oda has envisioned" I guess that is true for some and not for others. The Carrot and Wanda scenes were not in the manga, but still were well done; i can see it playing out like that. Some others are more boundary breaking and that is up to the viewer how to accept it. Personally, i don't like the rearrangement of scenes, because that is definitely changing the handwriting of an author and what he intended.


Start manga after the fighting in wano is finished bro. Imagine seeing those animation scenes from 1017 again for all the characters. You gonna regret it so much


Bro Anya memes are golden xD She breaks universes and is to be found everywhere


I'd definitely enjoy a Wano Arc manga readthrough at some point Khan!


Honestly I say just read the manga already. The “Man I should just read manga” takes will get old really quickly. If something like seeing Kaido earlier makes it a waste of time, it’s not really going to improve.


Since most people here talk negatively towards the Anime. I'm gonna write something good. Really good Episode and I personally enjoyed the Anime ride more than when I read the Manga chapters. Especially scenes WHICH are not Kaido vs Co. The other battles are 10x more interesting in the Anime and Toei also executed it very well. I understand the criticism towards like Art Style but so far this Episode was fire and I appreciate it. Wano Anime has been very great so far!


It is, but Khan is reading manga chapters of current episodes now, which means he’s going to compare the 2 more often. That’s only going to lead to more complaints, especially since the story is going to hop around different parts of Onigashima. Toei is bound to add more scenes or change the order of events.


not to mention the clearly biased manga reading mod who's sending these chapters to khan and complaining about anime


The mangachapter ruined khan experience once again and you guys still want him to read the manga. The anime did execute every scene better than the manga in this episode


The best part about this reaction were the Anja memes HAHAAHAHA


Toei adapted the manga like complete garbage this last chapter. Shifting stuff around, mumbling up the direction and taking the impact away from where it should be. Khans issue with this episode was that Toei decided to make their own version of events and not respectfully follow what Oda did.


It doesn't matter where the scenes are placed. The scenes are always the same. I'm anime only and it didn't have an influence to my experience. We saw kaido even earlier than he showed up in the manga apparently, even khan was hyped about it and screamed the whole episode to show kaido


He'll have to eventually read it but switching now on these episodes that dont even contain any major fights would be stupid af. I don't care about shifting things as long as it's not terrible which it wasn't. Wait for the fighting to be over to get more episodes like 1017 and then make the switch


Toei can't follow the manga exactly because the episodes are coming out weekly. The manga comes out only every 2 weeks so they have to switch things around to end the episodes on good spots

Danny D. Legend

Anya was the best part of this video