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Bleach absolutely has great arcs after this fam don’t worry! With that being said I can’t wait to watch this when I get home with you 🫡!


Expressing what parts of the series they believe are the best because is literally spoilers. Khan logically concludes that if people believe this is the best arc, something great is bound to happen, which is why I remember even back on Twitch, if messages like that were sent in chat it'd probably get removed by mods, so I'm getting mixed feelings seeing them here... I mean Khan even says in the very beginning that he regrets reading the comment so it's weird that people have heard what he said but are still making the same type of comments ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm with the majority that agree that this is easily Bleach's best Arc. But that doesn't mean Khan will agree with me and the majority. We all saw him still love Fairy Tail after episode 100. That being said, you guys in the comments section are a bit too sensitive. When someone gives THEIR opinion on a show, it doesn't mean we're saying that Khan should feel the same way. We're just saying how we feel. It's no different than the guys saying IchiGOAT. Oh, and there is still a good Arc after this. Just not as good as this one.


Just recently another popular Anime Live reacter just finished the most hated Arc of Bleach and she loved it. So yeah, nobody is trying to force their opinions on Khan, and we should all understand that everyone is different. But sometimes you gotta say what the majority thinks, esspecially when you have defenders blantantly lying about it to try to hype it up.


Damn dude you must really think your opinion is the only truth if you think that other people are "lying" when they speak their mind lol


Nah, read it again, but slowly. I said people are lying when they try to lie about what the popular opinion is. You can like what you like, but don't lie about what's more popular. People were on here claiming that the popular opinion is that this isn't the best Arc. That's just a lie.


Captain of Squad 11 Rocks D Xebec!


dont get me wrong you know I'm not trying to mini-mod or speak on khan's behalf, he and his mods probably wouldnt appreciate that and rightfully so. just had mixed feelings seeing people hinting so nonchalantly lmao.


@Whoosh Bait Khan literally asked ppl twice in this video for people to stop talking about future arcs and stuff he hasn't seen yet, and the first thing you do is bring this up again under this video. Did you not watch the video before commenting, or do you not have enough self awareness to pick up on that it was your comment string with some other ppl from a previous vid he was talking about when he said it? Please keep the comments to only what he has seen. He does not want to know which arcs are good and bad or which arcs are best until he has experienced them for himself.

Bohemian Chap

Yo our boy Ikkaku getting that recognition for being a real one! love to see it. Squad 11 though, cant wait for you to get a grasp on all of the squads. And yeah dont even bother listening to comments about the first being the best. Think FairyTail Uz, cant trust anyone's but your opinion! What a journey so far, one of the golden Eras in Khan's reaction journey for sure. Glad to be a part of it with the Boys!


when Ikkaku found out Urahara was Ichigo's teacher he said "in that case it would be rude of me to kill you without giving my all", the immediate respect upon finding out Ichigo's teacher and to take the student seriously. the characters in bleach are something else man.


I haven't said anything that hasn't been said already. Also, I, unlike others, leave the Arc names out of my comments and never go into detail. Stop being so sensitive lmao.


People aren't being too sensitive for respecting Khan's own wishes. And the "everyone else are doing it" is honestly a really poor excuse.


"from the moment you showed up you were targeting her not me. most would find it beneath themselves to attack a lady when she's not looking. an honorable person with a shred of pride wouldn't do such a thing. that's a coward's way of fighting. amazing and good bye. you dont even deserve the time to lament." URYU IS A GIGACHAD HOLY.


Oh, so you're leaving this comment under every comment talking about how it stays good too right? Since they're also "spoiling". Or are you just using spoilers as an excuse to get mad about someone criticizing an anime you like?


The other comments shouldn't be doing it either, and you'd think people would stop since Khan addressed it twice in the video. The reason I'm replying to you is because you were part of the reason Khan even had to bring it up in the first place, yet you are doing the same thing again on the next vid, acting clueless when you're called out on it, trying to make it a "war of the fanbase". You are entitled to your opinion, as are the other people who disagree with you, but if you can't keep yourself from commenting about stuff Khan hasn't even gotten to yet, like future arcs and if they are good or bad, then you are better off not commenting at all.


Once again, stop being so damn sensitive lmao. Also, I'm not saying just because everyone else is doing it, it's okay. I said I haven't said anything that Khan hasn't already addressed. So why should it be a problem for me to talk about stuff he has already talked about? How is it spoiling Khan if he's already talked about it? Sure you can throw your tantrum if it's about me causing a "fan war" (which is really you just being salty since an anime you like was criticized) but don't pretend it's because I'm spoiling something for Khan with my comments.


This fight made me start feeling like Ishida was a lot closer to Ichigo than I thought or maybe even stronger back when I watched this in middle school lol


you seen what they said about FT, and look were we are, when they say ''MOST'' it's like them trying make it seem like their opinion is the only truth, opinions of some people you have to just pass by them like a pile of shit and ignore it


The best arc will be your choice Khan, people’s opinion is not always the same as you. Also this arc is not my favorite.


I think you missed out on what everyone is trying to say tbh. When Khan says or asks something speculative in a video, he usually prefers not seeing comments refering to it in a way that could insinuate a potentional spoiler or outcome, as he is talking to himself unless he specifically asks for comments about it. Opinions are all fine and cool, but at the end of the day we are here to enjoy reactions and chill. Whichever arc you like or dislike is no big deal, but no need to shoe-horn it around with negative comparisons because it only gets obnoxious eventually.




Just stop dude. You cant say majority this majority that cuz you have not spoken to every bleach fan in the world. You are factually wrong. Unless you did a survey of millions of bleach fans.

Salman '96

Kenpachi the goat