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TANJIRO ZENITSU BOAR MASK GUY HYPE OVERLOAD - Live Reaction Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 12

TANJIRO ZENITSU BOAR MASK GUY HYPE OVERLOAD - Live Reaction Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 12



bro khan just finish demon slayer please


first finsh Demon Slayer then go to the other anime


i'd be fine with you finishing demon slayer before you keep watching kaiji or steins gate


I think it's best you do what you feel it's best, fam. If your heart wants more Demon Slayer, just go with it. And regarding Zenitsu, some people say that he's too anxious/stressed when he's awake and that's why he can't use his Thunder Breathing. He can't focus enough to execute it properly. (this is just an opinion, not a fact)Doesn't he remind you of Cavendish with the whole asleep part?


One of my fave eps man!! I'm enjoying his reactions so far and can't wait for him to see more.

Jurriën Bolding

You should just watch what you want to, if you want to watch more Kimetsu do that, if you feel like changing it up and watching some Kaiji the next day do that.


Just keep watching Demon Slayer. You are almost at the half way point.


Demon slayer all the way, it will just get better later on :D


Finish demon slayer


Finish demon slayer


Ok, I'm probably gonna be hounded by this new wave of the community, but I'd like to say something from the perspective of a guy who's been a long time viewer, fan and at one point someone who was a friend to khan, as well as his first ever mod back in the star wars days. My name was Bakerplays back in the day and I've witnessed all incarnations of khan's channel, from just naruto reactions, to the true golden era of his channel when he had many anime on the go, from Tokyo Ghoul and SDS to Magi and Parasyte, the community never demanded, or at least not in large amounts, one particular anime. Those days are long gone and ever since inviting a more mainstream community I've felt that there seems to be a sense of enabling and selfishness, though perhaps not direct or consciously, from this new wave. Kaiji has been on hold for nearly 2 years, people who wanted to see Kaiji return finally did and now, once again similar to the One Piece takeover, this new wave demand that an entire portion of waiting people, wait longer for something they've waited long enough for. Khan needs to learn restraint and I feel he wants to, but everytime he makes a conscious effort to, this community enables him to continue this isolation addiction of excluding people from his community by being driven by other peoples selfish desire of what they want. I pay for this patreon, just as everyone else, so I feel my concerns are just as valid as any other. Khan needs to stick with this structure he's set, this is what he's told people he needs to do and now people pay for it he has to stick to it more, outside of family duties and real life of course. So for the love of god people, stop enabling him to repeat a cycle of excluding his fanbase just because you don't want to wait an extra day or 2 for the next slice, us kaiji fans have waited a lot longer.


Is it possible to be notified when a video is uploaded on here?


Fair enough, I see where you're coming from and like that you went about addressing it so respectfully. I haven't seen Kaiji so I wasn't aware of this happening, and was happy with just getting Demon Slayer (although I haven't begged for it), but I see what you're saying. :)


Thanks, I didn't want to make personal attacks or anything, I felt my message wouldn't be taken seriously or that it would be ignored as a result. I'm more than happy for both to co-exist, despite not being a huge fan of Demon Slayer, in fact I've had to bear One Piece for 2-3 years despite not being a huge fan of it either and wanting many other animes he's started to continue, so I felt that now that there's some variety again and khan's willing to stick with it, that to disturb an efficient and working structure that benefits everyone and him would negatively impact the overall balance, more so considering this is a paid platform. I'm sure people like you, who are fans of Demon Slayer, don't mind waiting 1 or 2 extra days for more reactions. Variety is the spice of life and I just felt for the general communities sake, encouraging the pursuit of one anime would be wrong, for both khan and the community

Uzumaki Khan

Baker fam i rememebr you man hope you.re doing well. I actually did do a double today to DS, but honestly reading your comment you openod my eyes even more and i can not disagree at all, i did say at the end of ds today that next video will be kaiji and i will juggle between the 2 my utmost best equally. Sorry bout bro


No worries man, glad that you got to see this, also been through lotta downs last few years but thankful I'm still ticking so I've not lost everything. As for what you've said, that's all I can ask from you, as a viewer and friend, I know you struggle to fit to a schedule and I hope going forward you can manage to juggle, just takes mental training, need a time chamber or some shit lolllll, I'm just glad that you're slowly getting back to the kind of channel I watched 2-3 years ago. I'm sure you love both anime and it's not like it'll take too long between viewings, especially since both are finished, but this current schedule works pretty well and it'd be a shame for it to stop so soon. Hope your baby screening went well, feels like only yesterday you were announcing your first child and now they're all grown up, hope you and your family are doing well.

Uzumaki Khan

glad to hear you're doing well fam, and yh if theres one thing i struggled with on youtube its to juggle between animes lol, when one goes off the chart i feel like i just ahve to do it, but yh realistically its not going anywhere i can always delay it by a day and get something else in, but hope u dont go berserk when u seen the ds double later lol, i i taken in what u said and will do what i can to focus on that, i wouldnt be suprised if the same happens to kaiji later, the last double was nothing short of epic. Yh fam it went well thanks, haha i kow i rememebr mentioning my first baby and now look there's gonna be 3 lol. thanks you we're doing well, hope you're family is in good health xDD

Dan Folkes

I downloaded app on phone and get notifications that way, besides that not sure.


When he upload a new video/post, I receive an email instantly, try to get synchronizing your email account.


good to hear, if you want to stay in contact like the good old days, I have twitter (@Jackbaker787), discord (Baker#4627) and patreon dms, feel free to send me a request, been speaking with moin (makenshi) as well, he's hoping to get in contact with you again soon too


yo Baker i sent u a friend request on Discord. I´ll get you in contact with some mods


Yeah but Cavendish has a complete different personality thats a slight difference. But i agree with ur statement


I always got mail notifications like Dario, strange