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Hey all, I hate to have to bring this up but...

I went on Bepis just to check some scenes and decided to check on the character page just out of curiosity where I was greeted with this:

Guys, I'm not someone who likes paywalling content, that's why I make a commitment to make all my cards publicly available. But as I mentioned a few times, making these cards IS my livelyhood, so I give you all the access the Mega and keep y'all up to date whenever I release a new card and as an incentive and thanks for those who choose to support me. It's really upsetting to see the work that I was already planning to release publicly at a specific date leaked like this.

I'm usually not bothered by my work being re-uploaded when it's public. But it feels like a betrayal to have that done to a yet unpublished card.

I'm gonna give the individual who did this the benefit of the doubt and ask that you remove the card from Bepis.


Francis Laracuente

this is happening way to much to creators and it pisses me off, why would you pay money for something and then just give it away for free. it makes no sense.


I hope they respect your request, looks like they're anonymous though which makes it difficult to fix Shit sucks 😕


i dont know whats more disrespectful. the fact that its your oc or that they choose to remain anonymous like a coward. it sickens me to the point it makes me want to vomit!


I do think this is really disrespectful. Why would you pay to support the work of someone you like if it's to stab him in the back right after. It really doesn't make sense to me. Plus, you are releasing the cards for free really fast for everyone to enjoy once they are done, so there is really no reason to do something like this...


Okay so that wasn't one. I saw that earlier and wasn't for sure. Sorry that happened to one. That's extremely uncool considering you're already dishing out stuff for the public anyways... Hopefully this doesn't happen again to ya. You've always put in the work for us all.


guys the card is on kenzato does anyone know how to report it? All i could do is making comments i feel useless


here the link https://kenzato.uk/booru/image/GYyzQu


Yeah, I saw it but with no report button, I don't know what to do qbout that one