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Hey all.

Sorry I haven't posted anything yesterday (and sorry in advance cuz I won't be able to post today either).

I've been busy with a lot of life stuff recently, mainly being that I've start Driving lessons this week (finally gonna put some work into getting my license) and more importantly: I've started my Immigration process to get my Permanent Residency in Canada.

The process is gonna take a while so it's not urgent, but long story short, I'm doing it through a Self-Employment program (which was only possible thanks to ALL OF YOU! SO THANK YOU SO MUCH!)

One of the requirements is that, later on, I'll need to have a certain amount saved up (to show that I'm financially independent and I can sustain myself here), I've been managing fine, but with the expenses from Driving lessons, Immigration, and some other life stuff, I just got to make sure I still have enough saved.

So, while I still have roughly 30 commissions to go (I won't take this weekend off so I'm planning to getting some more of them done), A lot of people have been asking if I'm open to commissions, so in order to save up for the Immigration, I'll be opening for commissions of around $100 (For those who are okay with that price, of course).

I'll also take in consideration commissions that require mods into that price (like, if your card requires a mod for the hair, which usually costs 13 to commission from kale, I won't charge that fee, but if it requires something more expensive like an outfit or multiple accessories we can negotiate) and I can also include extra outfits for the cards depending on how complex they are.

So... yeah! Thank you all for the continued support! and If you're interested, message me either here or on Discord! (though preferably Discord).

I'll be back to the regular daily card uploading tomorrow!




Me and my poor ass!


Congrats Kaos, thats a pretty big two steps forward for anyone.