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I was tormented with these shoulders)

 I didn’t even know that such a Strange IDLE pose of a draugr by default.

 I did tests and see that the problem with my model is with the shoulders, and I didn’t understand why they are so wide ... and I looked at how the original draugr looks like...  during the battle or in other animations, this misunderstanding is not so visible))

Bethesda, as always, pleases with high-quality animations (SARCASM).

So I will continue to work despite these shoulders. I can't fix IDLE animation or skeleton... I am disappointed.




You could get around the weird shoulder thing by adding a cloth over the shoulders to hide some of the distortion. It wouldn't be a perfect fix but it would at least hide some of the awful skeleton issues.


Yeah thats a pain but everything looks great still despite the shoulders


clothes won't help. the torso remains as it should but the shoulders stick out. only fixing the skeleton or animation will help