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Hey everyone!

Feb is around the corner and we are unfortunately still not back on track quite yet.

We will be turning patreon back on in February. Charges will start on the 1st of Feb.

We will not be making a new costume this month, Instead we will be sending out a coupon for DOUBLE the value of your pledge for the Pattern and Tutorial tiers!! This means even though we aren't making new content you can still get twice the value of your pledge for any other content you may have missed! So you can get 2 tutorials for the price of 1.

If you are in the $5 tier you will get a $10 coupon

If you are in the $10 tier you will get a $20 coupon

You can use this to buy any of our other tutorials and patterns in the store!

This will only apply to the $5 and $10 tier pledges which have direct rewards sent to them. For $15+ Tiers We will send out a $20 coupon + then the access to the patreon archive as usual! :3

This is just going to allow us to fully catch up and finish Akali without losing a second full month of income. We will also try to add some new patterns into the store this month for people to use the coupon for if you already have everything (And I know some of your really do have everything XD Thank you <3)

I'm sorry things have been so slow. I have been in my head a lot over the last few weeks and its been a bit tough to get things done, I don't want to be depressing here, this is supposed to be a happy place for creating and fun! I am working through it and trying to get back on top of everything! :3 Hopefully next month will give me the time I need to do that.

As always thank you guys so much for your support and patience!

Much love!




I'm just excited for that ear book when its ready :3 I'm in no rush!


If i start to be patron on January can i take promo or not?