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I really hoped I wouldn't have to make a post like this but it seems I unfortunately have to :( It's 1 day before the end of the month and I've been seeing people cancelling their subs. Now you guys can cancel at anytime! That's totally ok I'm not forcing you to stay my patrons, not at all! If you can't afford it that month or you were just planning on doing it for one month that's totally ok and there's nothing wrong with cancelling. BUT, If I see you continuously cancelling at the end of the month and re subbing the next month to get the content but to avoid the payment I will start banning people. I don't want to ban people but I also don't want people taking content that other patrons are happily paying for cause that's just not fair to anyone. So please guys, just don't be shady! :3 lets all respect each other!

Sorry for being a downer! XP now we can get back to the fun stuff!



Fuck I can't believe it...even me I had this happening and I hate it...it's so disrespectful!


ugh, people... STOP DOING THIS. We are artists and working hard on our craft. Stop cheating and thieving. BAD FORM. (this happens on my and my friend's Patreons too)


It seems it happen to a lot of people DX it's really unfortunate, I was at least hoping I wouldn't have to deal with it in the first month but I guess I'm not that lucky XD


Hey man, it means your shit is so cool people are willing to be despicable to try to see it. So, hey! You made it! <3