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So I didn’t make it in time and I’m accepting my defeat 🙌🏻

Woke up this morning after 3 hours sleep and realized I haven’t made my knife holster for Nergigante and that’s it for me. I’m calling it. I’m done I’m not doing this to myself again this year at Anime Expo. Last year I spent my entire con sleeping, feeling like crap or working on my costume to finish it and barely got to enjoy myself. So I’m not lugging a half finished costume all the way around the world and finishing it in my hotel room to be sub par again😕 instead I’m gonna pack up my sister of battle and bring some warhammer to AX 

It’s like : 

Hangout with people and wear a finished cosplay that’s good quality or spend the first several days stressing about finishing a costume that’s gonna now be rushed and not up to standard.  


I’m soooooo disappointed in myself for not finishing but I learnt my lesson last year👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

I’m putting Nergigante to the side for the next 2 weeks. And ill finish it properly and to the best of my ability when I am home again. 

This unfortunately means I will be late on rewards this month 😞 rewards will most likely go out at the end of July. I’m super sorry guys but I don’t want to do a crap job and give you sub par rewards. 

I’d rather drag it out a bit more and give you something awesome! This also means I can still make my huge sword as I planned and everything. So please hang in there. Again I’m super sorry T^T

I fly out to Germany for Comic-Con Stuttgart tonight. Will see you guys soooon!!! 



He kicks everyone's butt in game, seems fitting that legacy holds. But, like in game, it'll be rewarding to accomplish such a difficult task.