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Omg more admin stuff I'm so sorry XD

I'm running out of space in my google drive a bit! So unfortunately I have to delete some of my older patreon rewards! I will be deleting rewards from April - November last year! If you were a patron during that time please make sure you've downloaded all the rewards from then :3 <3



I haven't got access to my main pc atm so I don't know what I've downloaded atm

Jason Preston-Maybee

Should open up old stuff that's going to be deleted to everyone of sufficient level xD which sets are being deleted in specific rather than just the months in question? Also a suggestion would be opening up a second or third Google account for extra drives? Don't know how Patron rewards work from the production side, but might be better than deletion?


I don't think it's reasonable to be keeping a whole years worth of rewards :) People must just download them or save them into their own google drive / dropbox accounts. I need the space for new stuff :)