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I’m back with some tiddies after a long, unintended, fat break that I really needed.

Apart from all the international traveling mambo jambo, I felt very uneasy to post and mostly CREATE pieces because of the whole A.I situation.
Lately while in search for reference i’ve come across hundreds of A.I images that i really thought that were handmade but obviously weren’t.
It feels very unsettling to spend hours on a piece that can be replicated in seconds and while i still do believe that it shouldn’t discourage artists, because you can’t take the ’soul’ out of an illustration that was man made, it is unavoidable to feel replaced in a way.

I had a lot of anxiety every time I was staring at an empty canvas,  but the break and staying very distant from social media helped a lot.

For some period of time, i will post exclusively here until i eventually feel the joy to post on other platforms again.
Thank you all for being here despite my mental breakdowns 🫂



Koni Toon

The Peach is absolutely amazing. I’m really sorry you feel this way, but just know that there are many, many people including us who still value art made by people. As much as AI can try all it wants to replace, the amount of time and effort you pour into your works - into expressing yourself - makes your stuff far more valuable. That is something AI can never do. I’m very glad you’re back doing art again. :D


It's good to have you back, Mandy! Even after the break, you never lose your edge, still the same breathtaking quality as always! Here's to this year being a better one!