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Thought that an update would be good now that i’m finally somewhat settled.
After searching for a while we found a place to rent, so for the past 10 days we’ve been dealing with all the issues of moving for the first time in a permanent place.

I’m sorry for not giving more updates, time has been crazy quick given the situation

I hope you are all doing well (i mean since Diablo is out this is definitely a happy month) and wish you a nice summer overall ^^


Chace Fisher99

Congrats on finding a place, I hope you're settling in alright!!!

Konoe A. Mercury

Hope everything goes well for you. ☺️ So proud and happy for you to get a permanent place. ☺️


Moving house is very stressful, so its understandable. Also congrats on finding a new place. :) I hope to play some Diablo IV with you soon! :D