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This post picks up on a lot of things that were mentioned in this post that released simultaneously to this one. If you're a continuous or returning subscriber, I'd recommend you to read it first as it announced many changes. 


Introducing: Sexfluencers [Season 1]

With the first Season of the World Of Leah, I want to pick up the roots of this project. In one of my very first Twitter posts in 2019, I talked about my world building plans (hence the World in the World Of Leah):

"My world building idea: A chain of events, on whose my NSFWArt will pick up on, lead to a sexual change of mind in society where cocks are being sexually adored by females the same way boobs are by men in today's society. Think cock hungry girls and sizequeens everywhere!"

While admittedly a bit over the top, it somewhat went into that direction over the years, just on a much smaller scale and way less pronounced.

With "Sexfluencers" I want to pick this idea up again and go deeper into the streaming and influencer culture that we have today IRL, but sexualize it. As you know, Kendall, Lily and Alexa are now living together in their streamer-girl flat with the Dongler - but for now, all they did was stream from their room at home. Going forward I want them to be more outgoing and do more "influencer-like" things that you'd see on Youtube or Twitch IRL, but with a sexual twist.

This is what the Sexfluencers Season will be about. Of course Leah will play a part in this, too. With her first steps done in "Leah's Edge", sort of marking the "change in society" as one of the last stones that had to be broken, she'll now be more and more open to try new things and even be included in streams (or private meets) of the streamer girls! And let's not forget that all of the girls have still one final boss to defeat: The Shlongler - who'll also be joining the fun.

The next album - Sexfluencers: Hide & Sex

In the very first album of Season 1, all six characters (Leah, Lily, Kendall, Alexa, The Dongler & The Shlongler) will be featured. This would've previously been impossible, but with that comically overprized new GPU that I bought last year, I've been waiting to finally being able to put it to it's limit.

The album will be an "Overnighter Challenge" in the shopping-mall of Heirwood Falls. The six will stay inside the mall until the lights go out and then the fun begins.

The challenge: "Hide & Seek". The girls have to hide inside the mall and the two guys need to find them. When they find one of the girls, they can request one sexual act from them. All girls have camera/smartphones with them to document their part of the challenge and the last girl hiding will be the winner.

That's the concept so far. I'll keep some of the details and plots under wrap but I hope you can see into what direction Sexfluencers is going! Bigger ideas with more plots, adventure and generally more possibilities!

Teasers, Previews & Expectations

The individual pictures of the girls, that I've included in this post, show you what outfits they'll be wearing. That Movie-Poster I just made for fun after coming up with a new branding and design for Sexfluencers. I have a couple more of those that I'll be using as teasers in the near future!

That being said, now that all preparations are done, the proper work on the album begins and with it comes work that I've never attempted on this scale before. So while you'd usually expect some Previews rather soonish, this might still take a few days or maybe a week at least. I already have a environment model for the Mall but have to apply new shader (as it's an old model), renew a lot of textures and most importantly: Furnish it from scrap as it comes with no furniture or store-interiors on it's own.

But being able to do something like this is the point of this whole endeavor. This would've never been possible with a 1-month deadline so I always shrugged off ambitious ideas like this. I am however excited to get going and can't wait to provide you guys with updates, more teasers and finally previews in the coming days, weeks and months!

I truly hope you're as excited as I am over the future! Your continuous support means the world to me, so as outlined in the previous post, don't hesitate to join our Patron exclusive Discord and ask questions or address concerns you have! I'm happy to help you out and I'd love to get more interaction going in this community!

Lastly, if you haven't read the Post 1/2 that was released at the same time than this one, please do so when you find the time, here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/80289317

Thank you!


  • This is post 2/2. Please read 1/2 for context if you haven't already, especially if you're a continuous or returning subscriber!
  • Introducing: Sexfluencers [Season 1]
  • Season 1 has it's focus on the streaming and influencer culture. Albums will be more outgoing and the girls will do more "influencer-like" things that you'd see on Youtube or Twitch IRL, but with a sexual twist.
  • Season 1 as well as the first Album of Season 1 will feature Leah, Lily, Kendall, Alexa, The Dongler & The Shlongler. That's right, 6 characters in one album.
  • The first album will be called "Hide & Sex". The girls do an Overnighter Challenge in the Heirwood Falls Shopping-Mall and play Hide & Seek with a sexual twist.
  • Plot: The girls have to hide inside the mall and the two guys need to find them. When they find one of the girls, they can request one sexual act from them. All girls have camera/smartphones with them to document their part of the challenge and the last girl hiding will be the winner.
  • The 4 pics of the girls in this post display what the girls will be wearing in the album!




Absolutely excited to see some innovative new work from you! The idea sounds great, a real step up on your recent work.


Sounds like a cracking update. Can't wait.


I seem to be very interesting, I really love the concept of season with a main character or theme, we'll be patients, take your time and the most important, have fun doing this :)


Thank you for taking the time to explain your feelings and your plans in such detail. Ultimately, I think your real fans are going to enjoy stories that you find exciting and fulfilling. You definitely shouldn't just recycle the same old thing all the time. Take risks, if that's what you want to do. I plan to stay around to see what's coming - I think it is going to be great! 👏👏👏👏👏


I am looking forward to the stories!


I’m curious though. Is Leah there just as a camera operator or is she also one of the girls in the challenge? Or perhaps one thing accidentally leads to the other.