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(Lots of text ahead, there is a TLDR summary at the end of this post)


In my last status report I talked about how Part 2 of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun is becoming bigger than expected (~80 pics) and that I try my best to make an early access release on the 7th happen. 

However I'm now at Pic 70 and still don't see the final part of the album on the horizon. I could of course stick with it and release the album on the 7th with whatever amount of pics I'll end up with to hit that deadline, but that would mean that the ending will be a squeeze and some scenes I had planned don't make it quite in.

Considering how important this album is to the story, I don't think I should do that and rather make sure the album lives up to it's expectations and release it a bit later (still this month, don't worry). This would also mean it's going to be more than 80 pics, more going towards the 100's. 

So my best guess now would be the early access release between the 12th and 16th this month. It's a rough estimate but the best I can do right now. No matter what, every Patron will see a full release this month, still.

Album for July

That whole ordeal will of course make a huge dent into the schedule I had for the next planned album to be released in July. There's no way I could make a fully fledged album in that remaining time-frame. So instead I'll make a compromise and work on a second episode of "Between Two Girls" as they are relatively easy to produce and won't take up nearly as much time as a normal album would. 30-40 pics are in it for sure and I'll make sure there's more sexual stuff happening than in the first episode so that it at least features a happy end for the Dongler. The episode will be with Kendall and Melanie!

Hope you all are okay with that plan!


  • 80 pics won't cut it either for Part 2 of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
  • Will probably be closer to 100 Pics with a delayed early access release date between the 12th and 16th this month.
  • After that, with only half a month left I won't be able to put out a full album for July so instead I'll be working on a 30-40 pic Episode 2 of "Between Two Girls" featuring Kendall and Melanie - as these episodes are much easier to produce. I'll also make sure to put in a happy end for the Dongler this time.


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