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As you know I'm currently in the midst of writing on the World Of Leah story and also optimizing/enhancing my characters!

For the last couple of days I focused more on character enhancements and for the Loyalty Reward next month I want to show off the progress I've made! So you can expect at least 20 images of either straight up comparisons between new vs. old but also pics that are partly new and unique. 

What I was able to accomplish so far were improvements on the skin shaders to make them a tad more lifelike but also a simple way for me to apply custom made "natural blushes" on the face of the characters to give their faces more "emotional depth". For example I can give them red cheeks (in various forms) now when they're embarrassed, horny or angry (etc.).
While testing around with the blushes I was surprised on how this subtle change can make a big difference!

You'll have noticed the pictures linked in this post! They are from a scene of Birthday with Benefits which I altered and added in the improved Annie. You can see her red cheeks relatively strong here and at least in my opinion, it makes her face so much more expressive! 

A close up:

In the second image the blush is more beneath her eyes rather than her cheeks. So far I made 5 different variations of where the blush appears on her (or any) face depending on the situation. (I can adjust the strength as well) 

One thing I also changed were the eyebrows which I find much more realistic now.

These two images aren't the only ones, though! You'll get more like them in the upcoming Loyalty Reward as I'm getting into this "amateur-aesthetic" with a hard phone-flash kind of lighting. I kinda like the results and want to experiment a bit more with them!

So stay tuned for the Loyalty Reward next month, I hope you like what you've seen so far!




BWB1 being my all time favourite release of yours looks even better! Great work.


Looks great and as always, Annie and Keith best pairing 😊


Annie looks Great 😋 She's Beautiful 🤤

John Curran

Big fan of yours man. I'd love to see an overview of your work process if you'd be up for it. I make content myself and always like to see how other artists work.


Hey, thank you! I don't know what exactly you'd want to know but shoot me a message and I'm happy to answer some questions you might have!