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For those of you who don't know, all my characters (except Violet) have a Twitter account and (are supposed to) post things fairly regularly there. But the past months they have barely seen any activity and last month I talked about why, here.

I took last month and the first half of this month to get everything rolling again! The story is now planned out until the end of the year, all characters have mid- and long-term goals that they work towards and I'm now ready to get posting again!

What's new & what changed

My previous goal of posting (or have my characters post) up to 25-30 Twitter posts a month was too unrealistic to be sustainable. I had about 2 months where this worked but the constant grind for new ideas did wear me out a lot. 

So I decided to change the pace a little and reduce it to ~10-15 posts a month that you can expect on the regular - if everything works out. These posts will consist out of story relevant posts (pics & chat histories), event posts, recurring posts and casual posts!

However, I could use some help with the latter...

My biggest issue of keeping the World Of Leah alive via social media (When my characters post on Twitter) is and always was to come up with random every-day stuff that doesn't have a lot of relevance for the story (Going out to eat ice, drink coffee, selfies, etc.).

While these posts themselves don't offer a lot of relevance for the story, they still matter for character development, as that's one of the few times you get to see how the characters act in a normal situation and with who they interact with when not in an album.

These post are supposed to make up half of the content being posted, the other half gets split into story posts and events. Meaning I need a lot of ideas for the "boring" casual stuff (sometimes sexual as well) to make this world seem alive. While this doesn't sound like a big challenge at first, it does when it has to happen on the regular. If I learnt one thing from the months of where I posted regular content is that these posts were the hardest to come up with as I need a lot of them - and I need them to not be too repetitive.

Community engagement needed

While I got the whole story aspect covered, these casual every-day Twitter post ideas are where I could use some input from a third party who doesn't overthink. 

So I decided to test something out and opened up a public, anonymous idea-box that everyone can fill out as often as they like with as many ideas as they like. These ideas are supposed to inspire and help me to come up with casual every-day activities the characters could do and post on Twitter about. (You'll find some examples below)

These ideas don't have to be character specific (but can be) so there is no need to worry about "who could do this", all I need is some general and vague inspiration so I can connect the dots and can worry a bit less about coming up with these random casual ideas month over month without repeating myself.

Of course, that doesn't mean I'm completely out of ideas, but to keep this pace up, I think I'll need this kind of input to make this long-term viable.

Examples of what is needed

Generally speaking my Twitters posts have 3 main purposes:

  • A: Create the illusion of real people posting on a real social media platform (Twitter).
  • B: To introduce the characters and let you get to know them in a way that feels natural.
  • C: To bring the story of the World Of Leah forward, also in a way that feels natural.

What I look for are ideas for point A & B. These ideas can be very basic but should give the character a reason of why they would snap a photo/selfie of that situation.

Example Twitter Post 1

  • The idea: Alana posts a selfie in underwear
  • The reason for the pic: Alana wanted to show braveness

Example Twitter Post 2 

  • The idea: Melanie got a new VR headset
  • The reason for the pic: Melanie wants to show off her VR headset

Example Twitter Post 3

  • The idea: Kira wants to go to the gym with Leah
  • The reason for the pic: Leah isn't used to going to the gym and Kira thinks it's funny that she's exhausted.

So as you can see, these ideas are neither very creative nor story-relevant - but they do give a glimpse into a characters every day life. Those are exactly the ideas I need. (While these posts can be both casual or sexual, keep in mind that I need the most ideas on the casual side)

So if you want to help out, feel free to bookmark this link and leave your ideas whenever you want: https://forms.gle/C59ZCxj43s67xBqp6 

Be aware that of course not every submitted idea will be used, but just having a bunch of ideas in front of me would help enough to inspire me to come up with my own version of it.

Thank you for your help!

Also, if you have questions about the process, feel free to comment and I'll answer!




You need to have a slim young African American and Hispanic girls to give some color to your stories.


You do know an Afro-American character is about to be introduced and Allison is of Hispanic/mixed Mexican origin, right?


Just make a character profile sheet of each character with measurements and such, and I'll be happy.