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Hey you all and thank you for taking your time to read this as it's probably the most informative- and important post I've done so far in which I'll share some exciting news, ambitious plans for the new year and look back at what could've been done better and how I'll improve it!  

It's a lot of text so if you don't have the time to read this right now, I'd highly encourage you to do it later to be up to date - or pick exactly those topics you're most interested in. You'll find a summary right below.


The first year 

  • The journey to self employment
  • Faster production and new hardware

The World Of Leah - Building reality

  • World Building and Storytelling - The Positives so far
  • World Building and Storytelling - The Negatives so far

The Next Chapter of Storytelling

  • New Beginnings
  • Social Media rework
  • Four new characters, one goodbye

The near future and beyond

  • From fake to real
  • How it will work
  • Extra Note - Work on the usual main albums

The first year

The journey to self employment

When I started this project almost exactly 1 year from now, I didn't really think it'd take off the way it did. I started this Patreon about 1-2 months later and added financial goalposts that have already exceeded my wildest hopes. I was never super happy with my regular career as a Photographer as I was bound to an agency but always dreamed of becoming self employed one way or the other. Especially when Corona hit, this was nothing but wishful dreaming as even my agency wasn't able to do business anymore. However, this project gave unexpected hope.

Months have passed and I'm now officially self employed thanks to this community! While (at least at this point of time) it still doesn't bring in as much as my previous profession, I at least now can do what I love from home - without the fear of being knocked out of business due to the pandemic.

Faster production & New Hardware

If you look back, you might notice a drastic change in speed I was able to work at. I think the turning point was between the release of "Night Time secret" and "Big Dicks on Cam", as this was when quarantine hit and I was able to spend much more time on this project.

When earlier albums had an average of about 10-15 textless pics, they eventually grew a lot larger (50-60 pic average) and tell a clearer story. While new albums do take more time to produce, the process is becoming ever quicker the more I upgrade my workstation and learn new techniques.

I started with a GTX 980ti, 16gb of 2133mhz DDR3 RAM and an 9 year old CPU; while it was not impossible to work in DAZ and render out high quality images, it was a struggle. Thanks to you all, I was able to upgrade to a whole new PC with a GTX 1080ti, 64gb of 3200mhz DDR4 RAM, a Ryzen 3900x and generally newer and powerful parts. 

My GPU is the most important part for these render times and while a 1080ti is still not optimal for this kind of work, upgrading to it was still a huge step and allowed me to typically render between 4-6 pics a night with a de-noiser enabled (meaning no/less grain) comparably to 2-4 pics a night with almost always visible grain. (Doesn't mean I'm always able to produce 4-6 pics a day, but this is the bottleneck right now) 

I'm planning to buy a RTX 3090 within the next 3-4 months which would mean an upgrade of not only speed but also the ability to create bigger and more complex scenes as the VRAM of this GPU would more than double the VRAM of my current GPU. This would again increase the quality of renders and would give me less of a headache with more complex scenes like seen in the Halloween album.

The World Of Leah

World Building and Storytelling - The Positives so far

To start of on a positive note, I think one of the most important parts of this project is the cast of the characters, alongside the quality of my renders. You'll find a lot of even higher quality 3D Porn on the net, but I believe it adds a whole new dimension if you can somehow immerse yourself in a world with returning characters who are all connected to each other and immerse yourself in this living, breathing world.

Being able to follow the cast on Twitter, seeing private chat messages between them, figuring out the personality of each character without reading a generic description - all these factors give this project so much potential. Unfortunately, I still have a lot of steps to take before fully realizing this idea of a well-developed universe.

World Building and Storytelling - The Negatives so far

The story started with a clear mystery. You were gradually introduced to the characters and began to observe the strange alternative reality these girls live in.

But this intriguing hook soon fell more and more into the background as I was admittedly overwhelmed by work on the main albums and everything else going on in my life. Social media posts were rare. I often tried to step up my game - and sometimes managed to do so  temporarily - but I was never really achieving what I was aiming for originally: A sense of a very human world of ever changing relations, regular updates and the perfect illusion of an existing alternative reality that you have the ability to observe.

I think one of the reasons for me failing to execute this idea to it's full potential, was not that it was impossible - but that I was unclear in what I truly want to achieve with this project. Especially when self-employment started to become a possibility, I started realizing that it is important to give the viewers and Patrons exactly what they want and not all the crazy side-stories and ideas I had in mind. Obviously what most of you are here for are the naughty albums and a good wank!

I failed to realize that, while this is probably true, a big reason of why a lot of you are interested in these naughty albums in the first place is because of the backstory and relation you were able to create to these characters. I mean, hands up who's crushing on Kendall!

So my direction was always a bit twisted. I wanted to pleas(ur)e the masses by delivering quick content to wank off on by failing to understand that this is only half of what makes it so wankable in the first place.

I don't claim to have all the answers to this complex topic right now, but I start to understand of what's important and what's not after stumbling countless times over my own deadlines and ambitions of the perfect illusion.

What I need is a better balance between business related decisions and passion.

The Next Chapter of Storytelling

New beginnings

This might be my 4th attempt trying to re-introduce regular and more frequent social media updates, but let me explain why it should be a real success this time around.

Recently I got contacted by one of my Patrons, someone with a professional history in Narrative Design who seemed very invested in this project and especially the immersive story behind it. He offered his help and advice to help develop the story in the directions I have planned for it.

This sparked a new found ambition in myself to again make a push to bring my original vision to life. What I figured I need most help with is the organisation of things. I have a naturally chaotic mind and I have my most creative moments when I'm improvising. It's not rare that I start something over completely because I planned something that turned out not to work when fully developed. I often just start somewhere and then quickly gain new ideas on how to unfold it all. This way of working obviously has its pros and cons.

Story albums, for example, work out great this way as I need to just plan one idea and then act the details out while working on it. It's easy and straight forward for me.

For social media posts that's a bit different. I'm always confronted with questions like: "Where do I even begin? Would anyone even care? What are the consequences?" I simply get overwhelmed where to even begin bringing this story to life with this many characters and the possibilities for each of them. I do have a precise idea of who these characters are and how they'd perform in whatever situation, but I struggle to find where to go with them - which always turned out to be the main roadblock for myself in taking this story further.

Now I'm being offered with the exact help I needed at this point of time, things are rapidly improving. I do have a stronger PC now and could theoretically add social media renders on top of my regular work as these are usually less time-extensive. As I said earlier - I don't think my vision is impossible, it just lacked direction - until now.

Social Media Rework

For the past week I've literally been doing nothing but work on the Halloween album and when I reached the daily bottleneck I went straight for the preparations of building this world further.

What we've archived so far: 

  • Planned out the storyline for the next three months.
  • Started a calendar which we already packed full of social media stories for November, with both casual and important events.
  • Created a virtual map of Heirwood Falls and added almost 90 map-markers each with their individual location where stories could take place. Everything from a Dorm room to a Park Bench somewhere in the city. 
  • Created full profiles of each individual characters, brainstormed backgrounds of their families, proudest moments and anything else that could have made the character to be what they are now, added Birthdays for each character to the calendar which will be celebrated accordingly, added a kink-list, educational preferences and an individual personality assessment. 
  • Started an ever expanding list of social media ideas so I always have something to work on.
  • Came up with a local news network which will actually deliver news that the characters can talk about. (Still in the works)
  • Created 4 new characters that will become relevant over the next few months. (More to them down below)

Four new characters, one goodbye

First of you might be asking: Why new characters? Why four? Don't you have enough?

The answer is: Yesn't.

New characters allow for more possibilities. You can mingle the existing characters tigether well, but given they all have people who they prefer, like and dislike - it's not always easy to find the "perfect" match for these characters.

Especially when it comes to the males. Right now in the story are 4 males: The Dongler, Steven, Dustin and Keith. The Dongler's purpose is clear and very unique so he obviously can't be added to every minor story plot. Keith is relatively new and doesn't know most of the students, Dustin is simping hard on Violet and Steven is more of Melanie's territory. Meaning we're kinda out of dicks at this point to combine with other varieties of girls without breaking character one way or the other. 

Meaning two of the four characters will be new males. They'll introduced casually into the story over the next month as they're not new to College but just haven't been mentioned before (in canon).

One other newcomer is a female News-Reporter who'll be the face of the soon to be introduced local news network. 

The last newcomer is a new girl, who will replace Sofia Murray. You might've noticed that you haven't heard much from Sofia over the past couple of months or even longer. This is because I'm having multiple issues of including her in the story and making her look appropriate. As some of you might remember, I had to make some changes on some of the characters in May, requested by Patreon, as some may have been construed as looking too young. One of those models was Sofia. I spent tens of hours trying to get her new look somewhat in a way that I'd be happy with but I cannot. For some reason it's a fine line between her looking too young or like a crackwhore. 

In any case, Sofia will have her goodbye in the story next month and a new girl will move in with Leah and Kira. The new girl has already a fleshed out background and will bring some really interesting story-opportunities with her. Obviously she's also super cute! 

The near future and beyond

From fake to real

With all of this prepared, I feel more confident than ever to bring this shy college town of Heirwood Falls to life with all kinds of cute, lewd or rude stories!

Most of you should've noticed that I started creating real Twitter accounts for some of the characters. As of now that's Kendall, Annie and Leah, with Kendall being the most active so far. This was an experiment to see if people like this idea and how convenient it is compared to the standard way (using a Fake-Tweet Generator(.

It turned out that it was going quiet alright with Kendall having over 130 followers with just a few posts and thanks to Twitters function of being able to change accounts in a matter of seconds, it's as convenient as ever managing them.

How it will work:

  • Each character will now slowly get their own Twitter account and start using it regularly. 
  • All of the characters will live inside of a "bubble" in which they can only comment on each others posts but not to "real world" posts.
  • The new local News Network will have it's own Twitter which will update and report on news stories that the characters react to.
  • You can actually try to chat with these characters and get responses in a way they'd personally react - strictly role-played. They might take a while to respond and not always be there as it's a lot to manage obviously, but the idea is to have them actually be interactable. You can ask their opinion on things or how they are or just have a chit chat. Don't expect too deep of a conversation, though. Bringing up real life topics will be ignored. All private conversations stay private and will never be shared with the public, but you are always free to share them publicly. 

All these preparations will yield fruit starting next month or more precisely on the 31st as the girls will obviously celebrate Halloween and have a lot to share over the first week of November! After that it'll be a month packed full of social media posts with some being casual and some being story relevant. Meaning November will be the month in which this new system will be tested out. I'll see what I can manage without compromising the main albums and how much of a difference it makes for you - the viewer. So it's really important to get feedback on that matter, good or bad. 

This all will obviously not be a process which happens from one day to another, but something that will have it's start next month but even beyond needs constant adjustment. There will be things that work out perfectly and some might not. So let's see if this goes down as another failed attempt or the start of the perfect illusion. I hope you're excited as me to come along this path!

Extra Note - Work on the usual main albums

What I realized I haven't talked about in this post are the usual albums that I produce. That's mostly just because there's nothing new on that front. The social media stuff should not impact these albums when it comes to the workload and I will continue to work on two albums simultaneous at all time (except on occasions).

The only thing that might impact my albums is that there is more story to them than you're used to. So you might get more social media posts leading up to these albums or the back-story of these albums would find their explanation more in a long-term social media story that is going on. But nothing drastic! 



Wow what a read! But this was great too :)

Meowi Wowie (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 21:39:18 Make Kira Takeuchi blows Heirwood Dongler canon! <3 Kira and Kendall become friends! Kendall’s overt sexuality is contagious, so Kira develops an insatiable craving for cock! Use Kira’s natural curiosity as a catalyst! IDK, but it just must be what this world might need!!!
2020-10-27 04:02:40 Make Kira Takeuchi blows Heirwood Dongler canon! <3 Kira and Kendall become friends! Kendall’s overt sexuality is contagious, so Kira develops an insatiable craving for cock! Use Kira’s natural curiosity as a catalyst! IDK, but it just must be what this world might need!!!

Make Kira Takeuchi blows Heirwood Dongler canon! <3 Kira and Kendall become friends! Kendall’s overt sexuality is contagious, so Kira develops an insatiable craving for cock! Use Kira’s natural curiosity as a catalyst! IDK, but it just must be what this world might need!!!


I've been reading this only now. And I was wondering something. Not sure if you already considered this, but hear me out. I noticed in this post, that you want to have more story on separate Twitter accounts. And you want to be able to create lovely 3D albums and even animations now. Even though many came here mostly for that fapping, the story does indeed make it more pleasing, because one might want to experience the complete naughty fantasy in this project. I love the idea of creating the illusion of the characters being real. So here's my thought: To make this perfect illusion that you're striving to, why not consider using a few actors to bring the characters to life? I mean, Twitter and social media is very actively used. Definitely by people from the age and background you've given your characters. And seeing as you want to add more of that aspect to it, it might be too much for you to do on your own. So it might just help and give that extra bit of illusion, if you have 2 or 3 real people acting some of your characters out. You can decide yourself to what extend of course, since you're the boss. But take it in consideration, I'd say. Maybe some of your patreons or other followers could help out with this. Don't forget to decide for yourself if payment is part of it or not, since that probably would have consequences as well as opportunities for this project. Just a thought I wanted to share with you.


Hey thank you for your recommendation! When it comes to real actors I can't say I'd be a fan of it as in my opinion it'd work against this illusion rather than add to it as we'd have real world and 3D characters all of the sudden and I think it's healthier to keep it uniform. For me that'd feel like exchanging an actor in a movie from one scene to another. The only similar consideration I have for the future is real voice acting for some of the girls - but this is still a year or so off before I'd consider going this step. However, I do appreciate the thought you put into that, I'm always happy to hear people are genuinely interested in the story aspect! I'm currently writing a lore- and story guide to the World Of Leah that I hope shares a few background info and invites to engage more with the story - will probably release it early next week!