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The results are in and it seems clear that there is at least a small interest in that feature and given it's all optional and won't change anything for people not interested in it, it certainly doesn't hurt to have it available for people who prefer this method.

So from now on you can choose an annual subscription method on checkout that allows you to save 10% on what you'd usually spend when you subscribe to 12 separate months!

For more detailed information about the annual subscription model, check out this support page: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042152671-I-paid-a-creator-for-a-year-what-can-I-expect- 

On a personal note: As I'm on my way of going self-employed with this project, you can be sure that I'll be still here and doing this a year from now, this is literally becoming my bread and butter right now.

I know creators abandoning their projects is always a risk you have to be aware of as a subscriber, but I'd get in bad financial troubles myself if I wouldn't continue this. At least I hope giving you that insight makes you a bit more comfortable if you consider going for an annual subscription!



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