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Alright alright alright everyone, here is the plan:

From now on, I'll always work on two albums simultaneously. One of these album will always be a main album (Larger, longer release schedule. 30-50 pic estimate) and side album (Smaller, shorter release schedule. 10-15 pic estimate).

My goal is to be able to release at least two albums a month this way. If a main album would take me 2 months to make, I might be able to release 2-3 smaller albums in the meantime. I'm not only doing this to provide much more variety in the content I'm creating, but also because it's much more fun for me to work on more than just a single album at a time.

The next albums:

- The next main album will be with Kendall and the Dongler! I really want to show off the new glory hole and reworked cock model of his!

- The next side album will be with Annie and Keith!

Stay tuned for more updates in a few days! In the meantime - in case you aren't aware, the mini-album with Annie will drop on the 12th for $3 and $5 Patrons and on the 15th for Founder Tier Patrons! Early Access Patrons already have access.


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