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Another freakin' whopper for y'all, but considering it covers the backstory of not one, not two, but three Hotties, what choice did I have? This one is something else. I sort of regretted after publishing book 1 introducing the concept of hot identical triplets. In a story that's already doing some work at keeping its blinders on, the emergence of triplets pushed it pretty far. (Some of you probably rolled your eyes, too. No one blames you.) Triplets are something like 1 in 6,000 births, but when you specify it down to identical triplets, much less hot ones, it's so uncommon there isn't even good data on it. So... yeah, just make your peace with it and remember it's erotica.

Once you've done that, this is a pretty wild ride, and hopefully a lot of fun. Be advised that it is a trickier read, which is a weird thing to find myself saying about smut. But for most of the story, you probably won't know which one of them is talking or doing what. The sisters are a bit of a whirlwind, speaking on top of each other and deliberately dizzying their conversational opponents. I've done my best to make it clear when the opponents are speaking though, so just don't worry much about which is which because they are trying very hard not to let you or anyone know. This was a bit of a writing experiment for me, obscuring identities and trying to let dialogue flow without the usual trappings. Hopefully it works.

It's ultimately a sort of sweet story about a sorta vain sexy robotic hive mind trio. But in there we get a nice character arc (circle?), some personal(s) growth, more Marisa, more hints at broader things, and some fun with this weird hydra I threw into our otherwise pleasant harem. They're not easy to love like a Casey or a Charlie; they're not easy to identify with like [whoever you might identify with, but probably not weird triplets]. But they're pretty good at being what they are, and I find myself liking them better as the ambitious, hard-working, show-no-mercy chicks they are. They find themselves a place among the Hotties, and I hope you make them feel right at home.

There's one more Volume IV story left, which should require a lot less rewriting than this and Destiny's. And since folks have asked, yes, once that final piece is out, I will cobble all of volume IV together into one [fucking enormous] book for those who like to keep their libraries neat. Then we have all sorts of fun diversions, not the least of which is (if I do say so myself) a really fun start to volume V. 

More to come!



Peli nore

It's really really well written honestly and the premise is very well handled and immersive. And I'm always a sucker for wholesome father-daughter(s) relations.

Thomas Reijerse

The triplets felt like a sexy gimmick or gimmicky smut that i was totally fine with at first, but as I've got to know them (because that's what it kind of feels like), they might've become my favorite story-line outside of the smut. I think you created a very interesting social/psychological dynamic there, and it's not hard for me to imagine 3 sexy identical triplets could end up thinking/acting somewhere along these lines. Might even be my favorite part of Volume IV. Not that any of them were not a good read :)