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(Update: The initial upload was missing the pdf entry. It has been corrected!)

I'm back! I had a great trip last week and we are back in the swing of things. Today, I bring you the first edition in the RA Volume IV series! This will be pretty different from the previous 3 volumes. Here, we have each "chapter" as a fairly lengthy short story, told not from Spencer's perspective, but from one of the women inhabiting the RAverse. There's seven such stories drafted that I'll be editing and releasing (at this same tier) over the next few weeks. The goal was to expand our horizons by familiarizing ourselves with some as-yet under-involved characters, such as Destiny the Gamer, whom we've sorta seen, but not really gotten to know. Most of these will start way back before the protagonist even arrived at Higgins, but all of them end at the big Halloween party where we left off with Spencer at the close of volume 3.

In this first part, we're checking in with a character we had a little fun with back in book 2, namely Toni. You may remember her and her roommate Terri as the streamer/influencer/ASMR girls who turned a roommate dispute into a rather spicy creation of content. So this time, you'll get to see arrival and acclimation to life as a Hottie from a Hottie's eyes.

They're going up on Amazon as individual releases, so likewise I'll be releasing them to y'all as they are ready. I'm also using this as a moment to begin transitioning away from the purloined pics I've used for our cast thus far to some nice, totally noncontroversial AI imagery instead. The cover art for this one is pretty dumb in its proportions, so I just included it as a separate image below to make sure you can see the whole thing if it doesn't show up right on your app/device.

Have a great weekend, and more to come!




One of the best things about your work is the ability you have to make the transformations of the characters so organic and natural-sounding. The slow shift in Toni has just enough real in it to make me forget at times the MC element in the background, and it almost makes you nod along in agreement that yes, this is all perfectly RIGHT. It’s a tough line to ride, but you really have a knack for it.