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I've already oversold it, looks like.

But seriously! Some very groovy people are offering up $ prizes for patreon subs as a reward for winning a weekly caption contest, winners determined by you the voters. It's happening over on my discord server, and while I know I promised I wouldn't be doing any discord-exclusive content, it's the easiest way to organize the submissions and vote.

If you're not familiar with the premise, it's basically an image, accompanied by a little bit of text. I've attached an example from the excellent Griz (and because I know he prides himself on his skill with the AIs, I must note that he created this several years ago so don't be judgey). If you want to try it out, engage in some low-stakes relative-ease creativity, join in! If you want to sit back and appreciate others' work, come vote. The first round (theme: scenes, characters or fresh takes from any of Teaching Her A Lesson, This Is Our Story, or The Creep/Creeps) starts this Sunday (7/30) and has a whole week before you need to submit an entry, so don't panic, you got time. Full details below!

As for me, I'm back from my road trip and on the case. Continuing work on The RA 4, which I think is going to be insanely fun, and attending to a pretty cool commission. I'll share as sharing is shareable. Also starting to think about planning to schedule a possible next live-write, continuing the work begun in the last snippet, The Learning Annex. Not sure when yet, sometime  mid-August, I expect. More to come!

Caption Contest Details
Rather than retype the rules, the guy who devised, sponsored and is running this shindig already typed it up so I've simply copy/pasted it below. If you have questions, feel free to post them in the comments or hop on discord and post them in #contests, which is also where the contest is taking place.

Initiating copy/paste!

Hey all, It’s esclavage here.  

While Ice Bear’s off on his road trip and taking a well-deserved time to rest, relax, and recharge, I wanted to propose an idea that a number of us in the Discord have been discussing. Specifically, we’ve been wanting to give subscriptions and to have some fun doing so. To this end, I’m proposing a four round caption contest that’ll span approximately one whole month. I’m currently calling it the Cave Caption Contest of 2023 but it’s not nearly as cool of a name like Last Woman Kneeling yet so suggestions are still welcome by any and all. 

First, here is the overview: 

A theme of the week competition where anyone can submit a caption according to that theme. Pick your favorite scene to caption, come up with an alternative universe (AU), do whatever you want so long as it’s following the overarching theme. The themes will be as follows: 

Week 1: Captions for the big three serials—Teaching Her a Lesson (THaL), This is Our Story (TIOS), and The Creep(s)  
Week 2: Captions for other series—Critical Tits, Losers, My New Girlfriend (MNG), Rachel’s Love Potion, The Secret of Harmony Reed
Week 3: Captions for classics, shorts, and standalones—Character Creation, Toddverse, Tolerance Week 4: Free for all on any Ice Bear story—Go wild! 

The reward is $20 that I’ll send out via my Paypal to you. I’d love to give subscriptions directly on Patreon but unfortunately that isn’t an option yet.  The hope is you’d pay it forward to the Ice Bear’s Patreon but if not that’s okay too. 

The breakdown of rewards is as follows: 

Week 1, 2, 3: Two winners every week!
Week 4: Four winners for this week!

Now here are the Rules:

1) Time for submissions will be 12:00 a.m. on every Sunday to 11:59 p.m. every Saturday using EST.  The official start date for Week 1 will be July 30th so everyone can use the extra time to hype, brainstorm, and prep.

2) Submissions will be sent directly to me via DM and I will share all submitted captions of the week for the following week to be voted on. Votes will be handled via Discord reaction. The voting window will use the same time frame as the submission window.

3) Winners will be selected in this way:
a) The caption with the most reactions/votes.  In case of tie, Ice Bear will be the tie-breaking vote. (1 winner)
b) The caption that I personally like the best for the week. (1 winner)
4) You may only win once per week.

Because we want this to be accessible for as many as possible with a low barrier to entry, I’ve got a starter image pack for any and all to use and Griz was kind enough to put together a caption template. They’re in the two links beneath this message and anyone is free to use them. That said, feel free to find your own images and make your own templates and captions; you don’t have to use what we provide.  It’s simply there as a resource.  

Have fun everyone!

Image starter pack: https://lensdump.com/a/deaHa
Caption template: https://tinyurl.com/caption-template




The link to imgur in Critical Tits is broken.