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I hope everybody's having a good close-out to 2016 with any holidays and celebrations they partake in. I wrote a nice little Christmas post for a patron earlier this month that I meant to post on/before the holiday, but then shit hit the fan around my household (we spent Christmas day in the hospital, yaaay) and I've been playing catch-up ever since.

Anyway, I rather liked how this one turned out - a little bit in the similar theme to pieces like The Friend Zone, while still having some good seasonally-appropriate (inappropriate?) fun. Enjoy, and have a great New Year's!

P.S. I hope to be doing the early release to the final chapter(s) of My New Girlfriend later today or tomorrow, so if you're invested, stay tuned.



looking forward to seeing your ending :)


would be even happier if there was a way to continue it though, cos so far i think New Girlfriend is your best yet