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Sorry it's been so long since I posted folks - I just started a new job last week and it's hella stressful and draining. I know, boohoo, poor me. Anyway, here's a commissioned piece I wrote for a patron this past week. I rather like how it turned out, personally. Hopefully you do too. It's intended to be the start of a new series (monthly), so stay tuned if you find it to your liking.

I'll be posting Chapter 9 of My New Girlfriend later today (an "early" release, if not by much), and later in the weekend just to make up for lost time, I have an old piece of mine from a by-gone era to share that hopefully you won't hate. (And if you do, then just know my feelings are hurt, but they regenerate at twice the speed of a regular man's feelings.)



This was awesome. I can't wait to see more. I was also thinking about getting another Wizard story fron you, with a curse premise similar to this one. :)


I'm always up for more work! :D I really did like how this one turned out. Some stuff I post just 'cause I wrote it so why not, but it's nice on the ones I think turned out well.