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Howdy folks. First off, I finished My New Girlfriend Chapter 6 at like 2 in the morning Friday into Saturday. I submitted that, Chapter 5, and Jealousy to the EMCSA immediately thereafter, but it was too late for Simon (the guy who maintains the site out of the goodness of his heart) so it'll all go live next week, along with whatever I write in the interim. So... oops.

Second, in what scientists are calling the second-most baffling incident in events of the past week, somehow I still got a whole slew of new patrons. So thanks to all of you and I hope you like what you find. Email me (svalbarding@gmail.com) if you have trouble accessing anything, or if you just plain feel like emailing me. Criticism, praises, questions, whatever. So... thanks!

Finally, since it didn't make it to the archives and you're all such wonderful people, here's what is now an advance version of chapter 6 of My New Girlfriend. Hoping to get chapter 7 this week, but I'm starting a new job and trying to get one or both of my monthly commissions done, so we'll see. Enjoy!



One editing comment, at the very end it reads "where Courtney lived" when you meant Erica.

Dorian Alton

So, I had initially assumed that Erika was just into the idea of the bet/threesome because of her past with Courtney. I'm glad to see that idea was confirmed. From the text history, it sounds like Courtney might have lulled Erika into thinking that she was going to take some drug they've shared before, but then hit her with whatever had turned Courtney into a slave. Interesting to think that it was a drug. Something that could be keyed to only attach Courtney or Erika to Drew, but would be injected. Re-reading chapter 4's intro, I'm beginning to wonder if Courtney's attachment to Drew was a combination of factors on the bus along with maybe some chemical she'd taken, since one of the first things noted about her in Drew's description was how tired she looked. I hope we get the full picture some day. I wonder how terrible her actions were that she'd be so scared of losing Drew if he found out. It is interesting to be reminded of just how capable Courtney is, and that as much as she wants to be Drew's sex slave, she can override the instinct to obey him if she feels something is more important. I notice she said whoever did this to her couldn't do it again, but didn't promise similar restraint for herself. From what we've seen of Courtney though, she's very intelligent and it would make sense for Erika to be the only additional recruit. Being inconspicuous with two sex slaves is going to be difficult enough.