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First off, welcome aboard to all my new patrons - lots of new faces around here, so to speak. Glad to have you, and if you have feedback and suggestions, let me know. To re-issue an old disclaimer, I do most of my editing on Fridays so I can have things pretty in time to submit them to the EMCSA, so my early releases are sometimes a little rough around the edges. When there's a significant revision (added scenes, plot shifts) that occurs between posting the early release and the public release, I'll say something; otherwise you can rest assured you won't miss anything by skipping.

That said, here's the latest update on My New Girlfriend. To think that when I started this story, I was on the fence about whether it was worth continuing... goes to show how hard it is to know when you've produced something worth a darn. At first I didn't know if a story about a relationship that was so lop-sided could work - can a first-person protagonist have a relationship with a woman who behaves like a fuck toy and still think of her as his girlfriend? 

I was skeptical, but I'm increasingly seeing the merit in it. If nothing else, I'm keenly aware of the interest... for those of you who find stats interesting, my very first story I published on Literotica, Heaven Hath No Wrath (part 1) presently has 36,297 views, accumulated in almost 11 months. The first chapter of My New Girlfriend currently has 20,382 after being up for 3 days. Pretty crazy stuff. 

Anyway, I know there are all those questions lingering, especially regarding the nature of how Courtney came to be so infatuated (and panic not, I'm aware the curiosity exists). Still, I want the story to mostly be one about the relationship, as the title suggests. To that end, this newest installment is a weird little experiment continuing some of the role play theme from chapter 2 while still keeping an eye on advancing the exploration and evolution of their relationship. I hope you enjoy - more to come.

- IB



Wow, that chapter was great as usual! Personally I love the shorter style that My New Girlfriend uses, I think it lends itself well to the theme.


Yeah, as I'm splitting my time between trying to make sure I have at least one weekly free post while still working on other projects, so I'm trying to manage by keeping things shorter. Brevity may be the soul of wit, but it is a totally foreign concept to me. :P