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Here it is, the last chapter of Twenty-Seven that is a perfect cube! Also, the actual last chapter this time. Like I said on part 7, I wasn't sure if that was how it should end or not. Really, narratively, that's how it ends. But man, these people deserve an orgy. 

When I sat down to write this final addendum, I saw it more as what should be playing while the end credits roll, a fun farewell that's post-climax but there for those who wanted to see a little more of the cast. No blooper reel, except to the extent that this whole story is one big blooper reel. 

Once again, inviting you to check Last Woman Kneeling, especially if you dig any of the THaL ladies because most of them made the cut. For more info, check out the main post here.

Anyway, here's the finale to Twenty-Seven, and I hope you enjoy it! More to come -- just not more THaL for a while.



The final THaL character makes her appearance!!!


I almost left the Randi part off. It doesn't really add much more than "oh yeah, Randi!" but... oh yeah, Randi.


Ha ha ha, *Randi*. Amazing! Randi showing up is this story getting what it's there for. You said End Credits, but this is all really just the long-ish Series Finale, as we close one chapter and celebrate how far we've come. (And how *much* we've come, I guess.) I don't want to be mean and say that this reads like the ending THaL never really got, because I did like that ending (it's too focused on Taylor and Canon for me to dislike it), but that ending practically begs for a continuation. Two years on, this ACTUAL continuation reads like a much-needed epilogue for our cast of deviants; a sense of stability, rather than the promise of change to come. This one feels... valedictory, which is a little ironic, all things considered. It's so great. This whole story was great, but this chapter was exceptional. There's a warmth for every single character in the cast (well, *Horen*), while never losing sight of the franchise's dependency on the hilarious and heartwarming Taylor/Canon relationship -slash- ongoing fiasco. Always fun to see Taylor and Canon irritate each other into becoming the worst versions of themselves, before realizing that those worst versions are exactly who they want each other to be, and then finding some unexpected comfort in that realization. Just... it's beautiful. This was beautiful.