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Here's the final section of Bring Your Master To Work Day, the story that wouldn't die because I was born without the part of your brain that regulates brevity. I don't love it, but I like it OK - and who doesn't like a whole office full of sexy submissive coworkers, eh?

This chapter's going to be touched up some between now and public release - I think it has some tone issues throughout. I kept vacillating between having Megan, the protagonist, turning increasingly submissive and docile like her peers, and wanting her to be the dominant girl in the office. The latter won out, and there's still a bit of both (she's still a sex slave, but she's ends as the queen of the harem). I just liked it better as a character arc for her, as it were, going from resentful underling to dominant BWOC. Comments and critiques welcome as always - I know you guys are usually such quiet consumers of content, and far be it from me to suggest there's anything wrong with that, but I really do love feedback if you've got it.
Enjoy, and more to come!

Update: I have attached part 2 to this as well, since for some reason it didn't occur elsewhere.


Hugh Michelsen

Nice! Always good to see a new one from you, and this one was a decent length. I really liked Megan's superior attitude throughout, and the ending worked well with that attitude.


Well done as always man. I absolutely love your stories, always super detailed, diverse, and really hot. Any hints about what's coming up next for you?


Yeah, I had no idea how long it was going to be when I started - but then, I seldom do. I'm glad you enjoyed. More to come!


Well, I'm trying to get my act together on a variety of writing fronts. For one, I'm trying to make sure I keep up with short-ish commissions and casual posts, just for funsies and for the exposure. For two, my big goal is to keep working on Mod World. I think there's a ton of fun that can be done with the concept. It's sort of a Master PC concept in a way, except not so front-loaded and immediate, which to me is often the downfall of authors' forays into that universe. Finally, I am quietly going back and doing some revising to Tolerance and The Tolerant, especially improving pacing and the continuity of the early chapters. I'll also produce a little more stuff in the in-between to de-emphasize the darker aspects and make it a bit more how I want it to feel. When that's done, I plan on releasing it as a full novel, just so I can pat myself on the back and say I've officially written and (hopefully) sold a book. (Fun fact: the full text of that work is ~160,000 words, right around 400 pages. So if you read that whole beast, you can add that to your list of books you read this year!)