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This is a short one, and a bit lighter on steam. With THaL leaving off on this note of Canon's professional situation and what Taylor's Serenex overload had wrought, though, I wanted to get into that a little. It's short, it's... well, not sweet. Savory? Anyway, it's more THaL. Hopefully get another one done tomorrow.

By the way, if you haven't seen it, check out the Last Woman Kneeling competition - we're looking for your input about the most memorable women from my works. Here's a post with more info - take a trip down memory lane, see how many of them you even remember.





Amazing. AMAZING. Having a pretty fun day off, getting through the darkly hilarious new season of Barry, and then I take a little break to read this delightful installment of a THaL epilogue. Goddamn! This is the life! As much as I enjoyed last chapter's focus on the terrific cast of THaL, I equally appreciated this chapter's focus on the mechanics and environment of the story. Watching the trap that Canon was in - where Horen held his job security and, potentially, his freedom in her hands - slowly become a God Mode playground for all of his depraved brainstorming... that's neat. That's a neat story to read. Good stuff!