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Hey, so I'm not dead! I've been out with a stomach bug for way too long here. Got it from my mom, who got it from my infant nephew, who got it from that no-good son of a bitch Callan at day care. I'm gonna fuck that baby up, I swear. Long friggin' week. 

But the bad times are over! I had a draft of chapter 9 done last week, but it took an age for me to be able to edit it. It probably ought to be two separate chapters; you'll probably notice a significant tonal shift about halfway through. Oh, well! You waited long enough.

By the way, Chapter 10 will be the final chapter of Creeps! I'm not 100% sure what I want to do next. Somebody on our discord reminded me that poor Rachel (of Rachel's Love Potion and Rachel's Love Potion's Love Potion) has been MIA for a very long time, and I was thinking that might be fun. I really dug the whole Knox/Rachel dynamic. Also wanting to do some short story work, and hoping for some responses from February's commission drawing winner to get me going. If you have thoughts, toss 'em out! I don't make promises, but it's always good to know what people want to see more of.

In the meantime, enjoy, and more to come!



Solid second to last chapter on a really great series.


I was a bit aprehensive heading into this chapter (wasn't the biggest fan of last chapter) but I really liked this one. I was supprised to hear this was going to be the second to last chapter since that seemed like a pretty quick wrap-up to the story but this chapter really drove home how little was really left. I wish we got a bit more insight into what Stacey's scheme is since I imagine thats going to be at least one of the twists next chapter. Minor complains about a really fun series ending at what is probably the right time aside this chapter is obviously very hot and heavy. It's a bit light on the comedy you usually find in these chapters but it makes up by giving us allot of clues as to what Martins plans are. I think the craziest prediction I have is that Martin plans on bring Stacey on as the receptionist and that's why the whole bit about the sign is in this chapter. I'm going to be sad to see this series go but I'm betting I'll love to watch it leave.


Ice Bear Battle Royale? Short premise: Infinity War but it's Ice Bear.


What if the warlock or another magical force brought together the various protagonists by merging their universes? It could be an anthology depicting fan favorites. Rules: each protagonist gets one companion and the weapon/method of their choice. Goal: get to a certain place at a certain time and have a certain item to return to their reality. The protagonists might sometimes work together, sometimes betray each other, maybe they find a third option.