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Well that was easy. Why don't I just write and edit 13,000 words every other day all the time?

OK, so that was kind of insane. But hey, that's me, doing it for you. Speaking of, this chapter is kind of nuts. There's a lot of emotion going on in there, and I genuinely don't know what the "true" feelings are, for pretty much anybody. In this installment, we get out long-anticipated answer to what in the flying hell happened between the Reeves sisters that left Stacey so enamored (in her way) and Kira so mistrustful? It's a fun chapter for me because I got to step outside of the PoV of our usual narrator and be Kira, and a little bit of Stacey, for a while. It's not an archetype I've done a lot with. There's a fair amount of THAL's Cassie in Kira, but for one, we never get any Cassie PoV (only the occasional stream of consciousness babble), and for two, I think Kira's more aware than Cassie. Maybe only by virtue of being Serenexed, but even so, there's a groundedness in Kira that's really appealing. She's normal, and in a story full of creeps, she's a great foil.

Anyway, this is not a short chapter, and maybe not the kind of thing that'll work for everyone, so feel free to toss a tl;dr in the comments for folks who are like "omfg your story opens with a lengthy rendition of a middle school stealing drinks and hitting on douchey high school boys someone please tell me the relevant shit." That's an OK way to feel. But I hope it does something for some of you. It did a lot for me, even if I for once got to see stuff coming.

I'm on the road next week until early in the New Year, but anticipate me diving right back into it when I get back home. Until then, enjoy, happy New Year's, and more to come!



"Siri, what in the hell do I say to a girl who just laid bare the most traumatic and life-altering experience of her young life, oh god, Siri, what the fuck."


Long day of work, and more to come tomorrow, so this extended trip to a cottage with the Reeves sisters -- on the best/worst moment of their lives -- was really calming for me. It's the prose, naturally. Funny and sweet and sad and sexy and *acutely aware* of this all being something Martin should've never been told, maybe. Kira needs to unburden herself, needs to be helped, and all she got was a guy vacillating between hypnotizing her to be either his sex slave or her sister's. He's the hypnotist we deserve, but not the one she needs right now. This was beautiful. Exceptional writing, evocative descriptions, and eternally memorable storytelling. I appreciate it a bunch.


Hey Happy New Year - awesome chapter as always - when could we expect the next one to drop - thanks in advance!


Working on it! I traveled for the holidays, and am now waiting out some renovations being done to my office. But soon!