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WHEW. It took me more than a month from my last update to get this thing done, but here it is. I started writing this story last October and figured it would just be a premise for some random shenanigans, a little text for the kinds of things we'd all do if we could get away with it.

Then, somewhere along the line, I started to take it seriously, and holy cow did some of my readers. (Seriously, if I had a dollar for every email I got telling me I better not let anything bad happen to Emily or Brittney, or that something awful needed to happen to Ashley, I wouldn't bother with a patreon.) I don't love all of it, but I feel OK about most of my narrative choices. I created characters (hey, I should do a story about character creation...) and let those characters behave as they would, with lots of the twists and twistedness that I think a lot of real people possess, and imposed only enough to have some kind of actual plot arch.

Collectively, this is my first novel, close to 160,000 words. In the days ahead, I plan on cobbling it together, doing some revision to smooth things out, add a scene here, delete one there, and maybe even see if I could publish the thing somewhere. I don't plan on getting rich, but it'd be cool just to say I've done it.

Anyway, for those of you who were fans, here you go - the final installment of Tolerance, and The Tolerant.



Also, I've done more revision than usual on this, so if you don't wind up reading this before Saturday, I'd definitely recommend the version on the EMCSA. If you already read this, it still may be worth checking the revised version, if you're invested in the story.


I finally had a chance to read the EMCSA submission last night and I was really happy with the ending and epilogue. I did have a question regarding Ashley, because it seems like you left a door open for a possible return, but I assume this would be a long ways off since you're pretty deep into Character Creation right now. :)


Yeah, I don't plan on going back to it in the immediate future, but to the extent that it's a story about a guy getting a "super power" and learning how to use it, I thought tacking on a teaser for an origin of his nemesis would be good too. If that doesn't answer your question, just respond or shoot me a message/email.