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Another week, another Creep! Man. I am finally getting into the Zone with this, folks. I have other projects which are also fun and which are demanding some closure and which I will give, but I tell ya, once you're this thick into the meat of a thing, it's hard to pull back. For today though, one more chapter. More HitH (where it looks like my fucked up $10 patrons are preparing to eviscerate someone's cat?) and more Critical Tits (where basically everything has been fucked up for several chapters now).

In today's Creep piece, I did a thing I used to do all the time, but only occasionally any more: throwing a protagonist into a situation with no idea how or if it would resolve itself, and seeing what they do. It's always helpful in getting me to better understand them. Are they pragmatic, emotional, reflective, analytical? It's very like that possibly apocryphal Shan Yu quote from Firefly: "Live with a man 40 years, share his house, his meals, speak on every  subject. Then tie him up and hold him over the volcano's edge, and on  that day, you will finally meet the man." I dig it. Hopefully you dig it. 

I dig you. More to come.



The Creep, Chapter 5: Martin Manning and the Errant Ejaculate


This was a delightful installment. Sure, there're additional details for those inclined to puzzle out eventual turns and surprises, but that ain't me. I just dug the weird problem-solving, the contours of a new relationship, and a couple incredibly funny gags. (I think my favorites were Stacey knocking her arousal down a level because Martin made her take a survey, and Martin's correction to Naomi that a post-high school afterschool job is technically referred to as "a career".) This one's just... the writing is *so good*. It's immersive, and it doesn't need to do anything more than that. Good wordsmithing on this chapter!


Such a great series. Looking forward to the next one!


Creep Chap 6 this weekend??


Joined for this story. I’ve read some of your other work. Good writing. Many things to like about this story, but I’ll mention wondering if you would go the direction that ch 5 did end with. Hopefully that is not too much ammunition to allow too easy an ending :).


Nah, there's still plenty of hurdles to overcome. I wanted to take my time with this and not rush things too much, but with many chapters covering weeks or months at a time, I don't want to grind things too slowly either. We're not even to the midpoint yet, though, I promise.


Obviously that didn't wind up happening, alas. Next up I'm doing a Critical Tits (which may be the conclusion? I don't have the clearest sense of how far it'll stretch) and then Creep is next on the docket. HitH and CT are both very close to done, regardless, so pretty soon I should be able to sit back and do some real churning without my mind trying to process three narratives at once.


Ch 6 today?


I have been working on it, but it won't be there today. With luck, we'll finish up tonight or tomorrow and have it out Monday night or Tuesday.